
Foundational Priorities

Students are the focus of all Division of 学生事务 priorities. This circular graphic shows that 护理 & 幸福, Inclusive Excellence, 人 & 合作伙伴关系, and 订婚 & 领导 all enrich the student experience.

护理 & 幸福

Our mission starts with "We 护理." We prioritize the holistic well-being of our students, 工作人员, 和社区, recognizing that all aspects are vital to fulfilling our vision for all Bobcats to discover their potential and make a meaningful impact. The well-being of our students and our employees will be embedded into our day-to-day operations, including our position descriptions, 目标, and the assessment of our efforts. We will engage students and campus partners in the co-creation of proactive well-being initiatives that develop a shared responsibility for supporting a culture of care and well-being that allows our whole community to thrive.

Inclusive Excellence

When we feel we are in the place we are meant to be, and with people we are meant to be with, 感觉很好. The Division of 学生事务 is committed to ensuring frameworks of belongingness and 包容 excellence are embedded into our day-to-day work. 

We will develop robust and prominent initiatives that actively foster the principles of building community, celebrating cultures, and educating community members on a variety of topics. This initiative will improve strategic knowledge and skills that will contribute to a welcoming and 包容 environment and the dismantling of barriers.

Learn more about the Inclusive Excellence Conference that was held in 2024

订婚 & 领导

The Division of 学生事务 will develop and implement a plan to revitalize the Bobcat student experience. Developing a campus climate and culture of student leadership, 订婚, and service will elevate the student experience and have a positive impact on student success, 保留, 和完成. 

Working in conjunction with students and campus partners, 学生事务 will ensure student-facing functions and spaces operate with a student-centric, student-first, process-second approach; students will experience a campus experience that will provide opportunities to develop their interests; they will choose experiences that align with their 目标; and enhance their education in and out of the classroom.

Programming will be designed to provide experiences that are engaging, 包容, 和教育, with an intentional focus on 保留 and developing a lifelong commitment to newbb电子平台.

人 & 合作伙伴关系

Our people are our greatest resource. Through strategic enhancements of all employee lifecycle elements, we will be the conduit to impact positive culture change. This change will focus on integrating employee 订婚 and morale in all lifecycle elements, fostering a growth mindset organizational development capacity, effectively managing performance, and create a mission-focused environment where trust, 同情, 稳定, 希望, and a sense of belonging exists for all our 工作人员.

评估 will be embedded in all our priority areas; however, the oversight of how we assess our projects, ensuring we are creating, 测量, and improving upon common student learning outcomes across the division, will be housed in this priority area.

Fostering and facilitating campus 和社区 partnerships will be a priority. Embedding opportunities to work together, learn from each other, and support the mission of the university will be a core component of our work.