


Our nine 2019年度传播学者 attended a summer residential program on newbb电子平台's main campus in 雅典 and spend their fellowship year further developing their projects with the help of mentors from across the 斯克里普斯传播学院.

  • 杰夫•布鲁克 (PDF)
    • 布鲁克是沃特福德高中的一名工艺美术老师. 他毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,获得技术教育学士学位. 他获得了newbb电子平台教育和计算机技术硕士学位.  自1998年以来,他一直教授技术教育和工业艺术.

    • Brooker will use the classroom stipend toward a VR headset and console; his project uses the new equipment in the classroom. The gaming and VR expertise available from the Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab allows him to explore the opportunities for using the technology in an educational setting.

    • The students are having fun experiencing the VR googles to explore different types of working environments such as welding and plumbing. 360度相机在学校里四处走动,拍摄视频,拍照和编辑它们都很有用. 这个项目通过向学生们介绍他们以前没有接触过的技术来帮助他们. 几乎每个时期,他们都用护目镜探索职业,有时玩游戏. 

  • 凯利Congrove (PDF)
    • 康格罗夫在奇利科斯的赞恩·崔思高中教授英语、新闻和年鉴. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Ohio State University and a master’s degree in Education, 阿什兰大学的课程和教学. 她于2011年开始在Zane Trace高中教书.
    • Congrove's project focuses on building a supply of resources for her journalism classroom and expanding the class’s use of social media. She plans to use the networking aspect of the Communication Fellows program as another resource in her project.

  • 克里斯汀多兰 (PDF)
    • 多兰在沃伦的特朗布尔职业和技术中心教授互动媒体. He graduated from Youngstown State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Telecommunications and a minor in Multimedia Website Design. He earned three Master of Education degrees from Kent State University: Instructional Technology in 2009; Career and Technical Teacher Education in 2011; and Digital Science in Cognition and Communication in 2013.  他教授互动多媒体已有11年.
    • 多兰的项目, 职业生涯角落,是面向初高中学生的教育学习渠道. 该节目将每月播出一次,重点关注不同的职业道路.  该节目旨在为教师提供一个有用的工具,以满足俄亥俄州有关职业的内容标准. 第一场秀 施工技术 10月16日播出. 

    • 这个项目为他的学生创造了另一个真实的学习平台,让他们边做边学. They are creating authentic material to add to their portfolio’s that may and hopefully will create job opportunities for them in the future. 

  • 马克Francioli (PDF)
    • Francioli在克利夫兰的本尼迪克特高中教英语和新闻. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and humanities and a Master of Arts degree in English from Case Western Reserve University, 并获得约翰卡罗尔大学(John Carroll University)的指导与咨询教育学硕士学位. 1978年,他开始在本尼迪克特高中任教.
    • Francioli’s project will establish a course of study allowing students to explore the media industry as a possible career path.

    • Francioli正计划开设一门“通讯导论”课程, which would be the entry level course requirement for any student who would like to follow the media program; then they would require "Speech/Debate”, "The Mass Media and Journalism.在那之后, 学生将从以下4/5门课程中选择:“电影导论”,“电影和视频编辑。,”“动画,“戏剧导论。,”“广播,电视制作,”“社交媒体,”,, 结合我们的商业计划, “公共关系与广告." 

    • 对于Francioli, the most rewarding part is to see the excitement of the students when they get involved with these media projects. 他们非常想要得到一些设备, 把他们的声音发出去, 与此同时, 他们学到了很多关于交流的知识. 

  • 跟踪Hacquard (PDF)
    • 哈夸德在Circleville高中教语言艺术. 他拥有newbb电子平台的两个硕士学位, 在交流、课程和教学方面. 他目前正在迈阿密大学攻读教育领导学博士学位.
    • Hacquard’s project expands on Circleville High School’s designation as a Purple Star School (an award that recognizes schools that show a major commitment to military families). The project will establish a committee tasked with improving communication and accessibility to military families.

    • The first step has been getting all of the new curriculum in place and established as a part of the school’s Purple Star Culture. 这些大四预科学生已经读完了《newbb电子平台》, 他们给参加伊拉克战争的老兵写感谢信. 另一组高年级学生写一篇关于服务的文章,然后以演讲的形式发表. Both of these have had a social media presence which shows our commitment to support military families and gives appreciation for those who have served. 播客设备已经订购并到达, 我们将在退伍军人节庆祝活动期间制作第一期播客.

  • Cierra乔丹 (PDF)
    • 乔丹在辛辛那提的奥勒学校教语言艺术. 她毕业于newbb电子平台,获得中期儿童教育理学学士学位, 重点是语言艺术和社会研究. 毕业后, she worked as an education coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati and went on to teach in the North College Hill City 学校. 乔丹四年前开始在奥勒任教.
    • Jordan’s project will create a monthly middle school newspaper with the aim of teaching news literacy and fact-based reporting.  

    • 学生们真的很努力地熟悉播客和采访技巧. 他们一直在使用 Listenwise 评估播客以及如何与客人进行对话, and have been using recording apps on phones and computers to practice skills and reflect on areas of improvement and revision.   

    • 学生们很高兴能承担更多的责任. 学生们能够使用和旅行与高中摄影设备, 这是一个巨大的成功,让他们非常兴奋. 他们的照片和视频在整个学校的电视屏幕上播放. 学生们自豪地说他们是出版作品的所有者. 学生们还会给行政部门和面试者发邮件,安排面试时间. 他们对自己起草正式电子邮件的能力感到非常自豪, 安排面试时间, 和成年人讨论他们可以控制的事情. 

  • 劳拉•摩尔 (PDF)
    • 摩尔是纽瓦克数字学院的一名英语老师. 她于2007年毕业于newbb电子平台,获得教育学学士学位, 专攻综合语言艺术. 她于2010年获得印第安纳卫斯理大学教育学硕士学位.  她教了11年英语,于2015年担任现职.
    • Moore’s project will create an online news and media literacy class that will focus on education policies and issues. 学生将参与政策,如毕业要求, 测试, 课程变更和出勤政策, 在这个过程中成为“教育活动家”. 该课程的学生将写信给州代表,并可能与他们会面.

    • Students are currently researching how the government in the state of Ohio works and researching education issues. Moore is really excited for students to start using their voices to share their ideas and opinions with school administrators and state representatives. 摩尔的州, “it has been really interesting to read student’s first writing assignment about their school experiences so far and ideas about what education is and should be. 我认为学生们没有被问到他们想从教育中得到什么, 他们似乎很高兴能够思考这个问题并分享他们的观点.”

  • 劳伦Scotta (PDF)
    • Scotta is a second- and third-grade gifted intervention specialist at Gilles-Sweet Elementary School in Fairview Park. She  graduated from newbb电子平台 in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication and earned a Master of Arts degree in Education from Ursuline College in 2011. 她得到了赖特州立大学的支持, Regent University STEM认证, and is currently enrolled in an administrative licensure program for curriculum and instruction at Muskingum University.
    • 利用一系列通信技术,如音频播客, 数字视频和虚拟现实, 斯科塔的项目侧重于帮助学生识别, 沟通并理解他们的感受.

    • 斯科塔和她的学生们已经开始通过倾听和讨论来理解播客是什么. 另外, they have used iPads and some programs that are similar to VR for a project to gain greater depth and understanding. 每天早上,他们都要做一个社交情感活动,讨论问题,和别人打招呼. 这促使并促进了沟通,并开始谈论情感理解.

  • 亚当·韦斯 (PDF)
    • 韦斯是哥伦布北国际高中的一名英语老师. 他于1996年毕业于汉密尔顿学院,获得英语文学学士学位. 2006年,他开始在哥伦布市学区教英语. He has taught at Columbus North International High School since it opened in 2010 and serves as the chair of the English department and the school’s graduation coach.
    • Weiss’s project focuses on leveraging communication technology to enable students and families to be more engaged in the education process, 尤其是那些母语不是英语的人.

    • Weiss的工作是通过一个 Facebook页面-哥伦布北国际. 他们让学生和工作人员为不会说英语的家庭制作多语种短视频. 学生们很高兴能成为翻译的一部分.