

Federal Immigration regulations in the United States are taken very seriously, and it is critical that international students in J-1 visa classification maintain their legal status in the United States. 学生必须意识到, 并完全遵守, the following compliance requirements set forth by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State (DOS):


As an international student in J-1 status you are required to have a current US local address (SEVIS US address) as well as a permanent foreign address (SEVIS Foreign address) on file with newbb电子平台 at all times. Failure to update either of these addresses within 10 days of moving is a violation of your immigration status. 同样,你也需要指定一个“首选”电话号码, 哪些也会报告给SEVIS. 学生应该在MyOhio学生中心更新他们的地址. 更新大学将自动更新您在SEVIS中的记录.

有关如何更新您的地址或电话号码的说明 移动PC,请浏览以下影片或连结:

有关如何更新您的地址或电话号码的说明 智能手机,请观看以下影片: 


The Office of 国际学生和学者服务 (ISSS) will electronically send your new address to SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System), the US federal web-based database used by immigration officials to record and track international student data.


J-1 students must enroll in a full course of study during normal enrollment periods which are fall and spring semesters at newbb电子平台. 然而, there is one exception; any J-1 student who begins their program of study or ends their program of study in the summer semester must be enrolled full-time for the summer.

A full course of study for an undergraduate or OPIE student is 12 credits


非学位学生的完整课程可能会有所不同. 如有任何问题,请联系ISFS.

When choosing courses to enroll in it is important to consider if the course will be taught online or in person. No online credits can count towards your full-time enrollment requirement. 这并不意味着你不能参加在线课程. It just means that you must take enough in-person courses to fulfill the full-time requirements 之前 you add any online courses to your schedule.


Federal Regulations limit the circumstances in which students may register less than full-time.


  • 医学疾病
  • 学术困难
  • 最后一个任期

必须事先获得国际社联的许可. Please submit the Reduced Course Load Request eform to request permission.  这可以在iCats的“J-1学生服务”下找到。.


您的DS-2019表格是在一个标准的时间框架内签发的. 你可以在表格的第三部分找到项目的开始和结束日期. You may find that you are unable to finish your program by the end date. In that case, you will need to request an extension of your J-1 program.

Eligibility Requirements for Program Extension: You may apply for an extension of your study program if:

  • 你目前的DS-2019还没有过期
  • 你一直保持合法的J-1身份
  • The delay in completing program requirements has been caused by compelling academic or medical reasons

You can request a program extension by submitting the "Extension of J-1 Program" eform in iCats. 将需要新的财务文件. 学生 being sponsored by family or friends will need to submit a Financial Sponsor Form from each sponsor.


transfer是指美国货币的变化.S. 教育机构, and this change can occur at various times throughout your J-1 program - while in the middle of your degree program, after completing your degree program or after engaging in Academic Training. 当您要求转移您的SEVIS记录时, ISSS will work with the international student office at the new school to transfer your record to them.

There are some restrictions for a J-1 student that wants to transfer to a new school, 包括以下内容:

  • If transferring in the middle of your program, you must have the same major at your new institution
  • You must study at the same level or higher as your current degree program at 俄亥俄州
  • 学生 in the non-degree category can only transfer to a non-degree program at their new institution within the same major.

A transfer can be requested any time prior to the end date on your current DS-2019. 为了申请调职, you must log into iCats and submit the "SEVIS Transfer Out Request" eform.  请提供新学校的录取通知书复印件. 一旦ISSS收到所有必要的文件,请允许 2周 处理你的要求. You can submit the required documents to the front desk of the ISSS office, via email toisss@OHIO.edu,或传真至740-593-4328.

一旦您的请求被处理, ISSS will send an email to your 俄亥俄州 email account confirming that your SEVIS record has been transferred or to confirm that it is scheduled to be transferred (if your requested 释放 date is in the future). If you decide that you do not want to transfer to the school noted on the request form, 如果您通知我们您的决定,ISSS可以取消转学 之前 您选择的SEVIS发布日期. 如果您在SEVIS发布日期之后改变了主意, you will need to work with the new 教育机构 to correct your SEVIS record.

任何 就业 authorized by newbb电子平台 must end the day 之前 your SEVIS record is 释放d.


You must obtain a new Form DS-2019 之前 changing your academic program from one degree level to another (from Bachelor's to Master's level, 从硕士到博士, 等.). Non-degree or exchange students are not eligible for a change of level. If you are a current non-degree or exchange student that has been admitted to 俄亥俄州 for an academic program in a future term, you must receive a new DS-2019 from the admitting office and re-enter the U.S. 新的DS-2019. Please schedule an appointment with an ISSS advisor to discuss your plans as early as possible.

要申请新的DS-2019,您必须提供 新课程的入学证明 在新的教育水平,以及 当前财务文件 为你的新学术项目建立资金来源. 作为一名J-1学生, the financial documents must show support for the entire duration of the new program. Submit these documents to your ISSS international student advisor PRIOR to beginning your new academic program and prior to the end date of your current Form DS-2019.