

当我在韩国首尔留学时,我的爱好是咖啡馆. 几乎每天我都要去找一家新的、有趣的咖啡馆. 如果你想参观一些真正的好咖啡馆,首尔是一个好地方. I decided to compile a list of the cafes I visited with some highlights about what is so great about each of them.  



单从美学角度来看,这个地方绝对值得一游. 当你走进来, 咖啡馆是毛绒的,粉红色的,有各种可爱的饮料和甜点供你点. 当我拜访时, I got a peach-ade and headed back to the second section of the café: the pool-themed section. 这地方拍的照片很值得上instagram. 这是一个放松身心的好地方. 然而,这个咖啡馆并不是最容易找到的. 它隐藏在Stylenanda建筑的上层, 在一个角落里,在展示购买的衣服中间. 然而, 这确实让进入咖啡馆感觉有点像进入了另一个世界, which added to its appeal (and if you follow the signs they have posted inside you will find it eventually).  


这里不像咖啡厅,更像户外甜点店, 但它的粉红色非常美观, 闪亮的, 荧光的外表. 那里的食物也很好吃. 这是我去过两次的两个咖啡馆之一, both because it was great the first time and because it is very conveniently located on the main street of Hongdae and I would pass it nearly every time I visited there. 我这里有两种柠檬水还有华夫饼和可丽饼. 你也可以在这里用屏幕点餐, 所以如果你害怕说韩语, 您只需切换菜单语言,就可以方便地用英语点单. 它既方便又美味.  


This is the other café that I visited for a second time thanks both to their amazing aesthetic and delicious food. Their fresh fruit and persimmon bingsus are probably the best that I had while I was in Korea (and I tried a lot, 所以这是高度的赞扬), 所以我又回去了. 他们家的西瓜汁也是我喝过的最好的, and the earl grey chiffon cake I had while there paired with a kiwi juice were also to die for. This café is also both filled with and surrounded by plants and flowers making the overall atmosphere very nice. 有室内和室外座位可供选择, 所以你可以和你的朋友聚在两层室内的其中一层吃饭, 我们坐在外面庭院般的花丛中.  


如果你想拍一些有趣的照片,这是一个很棒的咖啡馆. 绿色咖啡是一个二维咖啡,看起来像是用黑色和白色画出来的. They sell little pins at the front counter (one of which I nabbed when I visited) as well as some very cute and themed food. 我点了一个看起来像奶酪的芝士蛋糕, 最后在上面放一个小巧克力老鼠, 我觉得吞下去很难受. 如果你有时间,这是另一个很棒的主题咖啡馆,可以快速参观一下.  


清水堂绝对是一个令人惊叹的咖啡馆, 绝对是榜单上最上镜的照片之一. Cheongsudang is a beautiful water and garden-themed café with a mix of both modern and traditional elements. I visited the Yeonnam-dong branch, but the more popular branch of this café is in Ikseon-dong. I ordered a sampler dessert tower while I was there as well as an orange-ade and everything was delicious. 访问ing those café guarantees a good view, good potential photos, a good atmosphere, and good food.  


这是一个非常可爱的以花为主题的咖啡馆. 它不像其他一些那样奢侈, 所以如果你只是想找个好地方放松一下, 甜饮料,这是一个伟大的地方去. 饮料里的冰也是花的形状,我觉得很可爱也很有趣. 我买了一杯苹果汽水,味道很好.  


这家咖啡馆位于Hybe Insight Museum旁边,真正体现了防弹少年团的主题. 咖啡馆的内部装饰着各种各样的孟加拉风格. If you order certain drinks, you get free photocards or stickers or other fan-made merchandise. 如果你点了三明治, 比如我点的香蕉巧克力酱, 他们按下你选择的BT21字符. It is a really nice place to visit after a trip to the Hybe Insight Museum to unbox any of the merchandise you picked up in the shop on the way out.  


这是一家位于仁寺洞的可爱的小咖啡馆,提供非常美味的糖果. 他们有各种各样非常美味的甜甜圈(我吃的是柠檬的), 但我也尝试了我朋友点的其他一些。), cronuts, 马卡龙, 和饮料. I got a pomegranate-ade here and I think it was my favorite of all of the ades that I tried while in Korea. 他们还会发可爱的小贴纸,你可以在咖啡厅前面拿起.  


If you are a fan of any of the K-Pop groups from YG Entertainment, 的SameE café is a must-visit. 咖啡厅就在YG大楼的正对面, 你可以喝杯好咖啡,吃个甜甜圈, 坐在窗边, 然后看着你最喜欢的偶像来来去去. They give out stickers with your order for whoever in the company has the closest birthday and they decorate the café for certain events. There is also a merchandise store in the basement of the café where you can get some very limited YG artist merchandise. 


C27是我偶然发现的一个非常可爱的芝士蛋糕和咖啡咖啡馆. 我在那里吃的草莓巧克力芝士蛋糕真的很好吃, 那里的气氛真的很酷. It almost felt like walking into an art exhibit or a theme park with a small aesthetic rollercoaster running through the shop. 我参观的那家坐在窗边也能看到漂亮的街景. 


如果你想要一些真正的美学和美味的蛋糕,这是一个地方. 当我拜访时 the Billy Angel in the COEX Starfield Mall I ordered what was called a universe cake which tasted just as good as it looked. The cake here was both delicious and light enough that I was able to eat an entire piece and still have room for a full meal of tonkatsu at a Japanese restaurant after.  



我非常喜欢苏冰,因为他们提供的各种各样的bingsu. 当被问及在韩国我最喜欢的咖啡馆是什么时, I would usually say Sulbing mostly because bingsu was my favorite food while I was abroad. Though I loved just how many kinds of bingsu they offered (from tiramisu to mango and grapefruit), 它们的其他食物才是真正让我满意的. 他们的小鱼形面包超级好吃, but one of my favorite desserts I had in Korea was honestly the honey bread I ate at Sulbing.  


我真的很喜欢在A two Place买的食物. 这可能是你在首尔看到的最常见的连锁店之一, 但这并不意味着那里的食物不那么特别. The tiramisu cake Bingsu I got there quite literally made my day along with the lemon sherbet-ade I ordered that came with an actual scoop of lemon sherbet on the top. 不难找到,而且绝对美味.  



我就是喜欢这个可爱的小动物. They had honestly just about everything, and you can tell the animals were well taken care of. 有些狗在咖啡厅的咖啡厅里自由奔跑, 满屋子的爬行动物, 为浣熊准备了单独的房间, 猫鼬, 猫, 还有一个供雪貂和蜜熊居住的房间. 当我拜访时, 我唯一没有进去的房间是雪貂的房间, 但我在其他地方玩得很开心. I went pretty late and the staff working at the time seemed a little intimidated to help my friend as I since we did not speak completely fluent Korean, 但这仍然是一次积极的经历.  

Eden Meerkat 朋友(明洞和洪街分店) 

I went to both branches of the Eden Meerkat 朋友 animal cafes and had a good time at both. The Myeongdong branch was a little smaller, but the 猫鼬 there were a little more friendly. 这两个地方都有猫鼬, 猫, 小袋鼠, 狐狸, 一只浣熊, (明洞分店也有一只鹦鹉). 动物们似乎真的很喜欢工人,而且他们看起来都很健康. 和他们互动很有趣,两个地方的环境都很好. 两个地点都有说英语的工作人员, 让Eden Meerkat 朋友对外国人来说更容易接近.  


这个咖啡棒极了. The food there was delicious; I ordered strawberry bingsu and it is one of my favorite bingsus I had in Seoul. The café itself is super aesthetic and feels a little like walking into a fairytale as you descend down into it. 我相信羊有时是被允许在咖啡馆里游荡的, 但当我在那里的时候, 他们就在外面, 在点完餐后,我们可以自由地与他们互动. 这是一个非常可爱的咖啡馆,我强烈推荐. 


这是我在首尔的第一家咖啡馆. 那是深夜,我第一次来到弘大, 我的室友和我真的很想在咖啡馆关门之前去看看. My roommate found this one and honestly no animal café was really able to live up to this standard after. 这家咖啡馆里的猫非常友好, 有一只栗鼠有自己的房间, 猫有自己的衣橱, and if you go upstairs in the café there are all manner of games to play while you spend time with the 猫 from board games to mini arcade games to a Nintendo Switch. 如果这是一个等级列表,这很容易成为我去过的动物咖啡馆的第一名. 


这个咖啡馆真的很可爱. Most of the bog breeds there were larger dogs (with a few exceptions) and they all free roam in a big room where everyone is free to sit after ordering from the café portion. I ordered a really good green grape ade from the café and then sat and waited for the dogs to come to me. Some of the dogs would cycle around to greet me before heading off to see who was new; it was just a really nice atmosphere. 咖啡馆里还有很多韩国流行偶像和他们的狗的照片, 所以如果你想和偶像一样的狗一起玩, 这就是该去的地方.  


如果你喜欢萨摩耶犬,这家咖啡馆是必去之地,因为这家咖啡馆里有很多萨摩耶犬. 如果你不知道萨摩耶犬是什么,它们是一种很大的,毛茸茸的白色狗. 冬天的村庄有一整个可爱的萨摩耶犬家庭,你可以抚摸和喂养它们. 他们也都知道一些很酷的把戏,会摆姿势和你合影. They also have a self-service station for different drinks if you want to sip on a nice ade while you observe the cute dogs. 

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