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Dance alumni transform the world through movement

School of Dance Alumni

我们的特色校友继续在屡获殊荣的舞蹈公司和世界各地的舞台上进行最高水平的表演, they lead, teach, inspire, 并通过舞蹈和运动以各种方式改变他们的社区.

Featured Alumni 2010 – Current

Lily Gelfand (BFA/HTC ’18) – is originally from Youngstown, OH and is a performing apprentice with David Dorfman Dance in NY. While at Ohio University, 莉莉有幸在大卫·多夫曼的作品中演出, Kyle Abraham, and Joanna Kotze. As a skilled collaborative musician, Lily has accompanied class and composed for Molissa Fenley, Giada Ferrone, David Dorfman, and Davide Di Pretoro.

Corrinne Baily (BFA ’17) – is originally from Columbus, Corrine is a first-year company member and teacher with MamLuft&Co. Dance (ML&Co.), a Cincinnati based modern dance company. Certified Pilates Mat instructor. Find out more about Corrinne and ML&Co. at

Trezon Dancey (BFA ’17) - is from Hartford, 这是他作为代顿当代舞蹈团成员的第一季. (DCDC)是一家总部位于俄亥俄州的现代舞公司,植根于非洲裔美国人的经历. Find out more about Trezon and DCDC at

柯蒂斯·约翰逊(BFA ' 15) -西弗吉尼亚舞蹈公司的公司. (WVDC),山州历史上唯一的专业巡回舞蹈团. Also performed with Theatre West Virginia’s 2015 summer season. Find out more about Curtis and WVDC at

克里斯托弗·特里(BFA ' 14) -通过GO 2人才机构在伯班克,CA专业舞蹈. 最近在2015年全美音乐奖上演出,并与流行歌手和演员一起巡回演出, Ariana Grande. See Kris in action at

Michael O ' neill (BFA ' 13) -现为芝加哥RE/舞蹈团成员, 它致力于展示舞蹈戏剧作品,这些作品审视了个人的许多方面, intimate human relationships. Read more about Michael and the company at

Kimberly Murry (BFA ’13) - Artist Services Assistant at The Yard. 她曾在芝加哥和纽约的Mordine and company舞蹈剧院担任公司成员,并与Teresa Fellion Dance一起在BodyStories中表演,并担任Bryce Dance company的排练总监.

Earlyn Whitehead (BFA ' 13) -是居住在伊利诺伊州芝加哥的运动艺术家. Currently, she dances and performs with Nico Rubio and his tap company, 333, and with Kelly Anderson Dance Theater. Earlyn是芝加哥Hubbard Street Dance Chicago的教学艺术家,也是芝加哥Dovetail工作室的教员, IL and SoleUnique Dance Complex in Aurora, IL. Find out more about Earlyn at

Megan Lee Gargano  (BFA ’12)– Founder, Director and performer for the Movement Project, a Cleveland based dance company. Learn more about the Movement Project at

Sammy Donahue-Roth (BFA ' 11) - Nadine Bommer舞蹈公司的表演者和公司经理.这是一家由以色列编舞家纳丁·波默(Nadine Bommer)创立的纽约舞蹈公司. The company performs both locally and abroad. Check out the company’s website at

Madeline Shrock (HTC ' 11)纽约舞蹈杂志和Pointe杂志的执行编辑. As an avid dance videographer and editor, 她曾为贝茨舞蹈节和南加州的里贾纳·克伦佐斯基舞蹈团制作视频项目. 她曾担任Lar Lubovitch舞蹈公司的营销和教育经理,也是DanceMedia各种出版物的前助理编辑研究.

来自俄亥俄州的惠特尼·约瑟夫(BFA ' 11)在俄勒冈州立大学商科专业的帮助下,为她在赞斯维尔经营一家舞蹈工作室的梦想制定了一份商业计划, OH.  他们的计划建议她买下她原本打算在经济困难的市中心租的那栋楼——她照做了.  Her business, Movement on Main, houses a thriving dance and fitness business, a community theater, and rental music studios.

Elizabeth Chestang – (BFA ’10) Instructor at SoulCycle; Dancer/Actor/Model with Bloc Talent Agency in NY. 布鲁克林篮网队的官方舞蹈队,布鲁克林篮网队的前成员.  Check out Liz’s Dance and Performance Reel at

Featured Alumni 2000- 2009

Jesse Keller - (BFA ' 09)是Stephanie Batten Bland ' s Birdlegs Dance Co的成员. 这家公司得到了迈克尔·巴里什尼科夫的纽约舞蹈中心的支持. Resident Director of Island Programs and Education at The Yard, a contemporary artist residency, dance and performance center in Chilmark, MA. Find out more about Jesse and The Yard at

安吉拉·妮可·帕特蒙(2008届BFA) -大都会歌剧院舞者, Wideman Davis Dance, and dancer/model for MAC Cosmetics in NY. 乔尔·霍尔舞蹈团和深深扎根舞蹈剧院第二团的前成员. 

Kelly Southall -任教于乔治华盛顿大学,是华盛顿特区Dana Tai Soon Burgess舞蹈团(DTSBDC)的副艺术总监和表演者,该舞蹈团代表美国参加国务院支持的巡回演出. In 2001 he won the U.S. 获得中西部传统爱尔兰舞蹈锦标赛冠军并获得2002年世界爱尔兰舞蹈锦标赛参赛资格. Find out more about DTSBDC at

Jessica Fox (BFA ' 04) -来自西弗吉尼亚州的运动艺术家和企业家. 福克斯有几个艺术相关的业务:JDG:移民项目(06年), a non-profit dance company which started in Washington DC, 4th 大道艺术(06年)1923年在美国华盛顿州亨廷顿的表演艺术剧院, and 4th Avenue Pilates(08 ')是位于华盛顿州亨廷顿的唯一认证普拉提工作室. 福克斯拥有霍林斯大学与福赛斯工作室和法兰克福大学合作的舞蹈艺术硕士学位. She was a company member with CityDance Ensemble (DC), and has performed with KDNY Dance, and Troika Ranch. 福克斯目前是newbb电子平台美术学院的招聘助理主任.

Caroline Londergan (BFA ' 04) -位于加州雷东多海滩的白宫普拉提工作室老板. 她是第一个向白宫介绍普拉提的惊人好处的人, the United States Secret Service, and the Washington D.C. SWAT Team. 在与白宫的两年合同中,她为国会议员设计了个性化的普拉提和瑜伽课程, CIA Agents, Secret Service Agents and White House Officials.

安娜·沙利文(2004届本科)-是多媒体舞蹈剧院项目的艺术总监和编舞, Anna and The Annadroids. Sullivan is originally from Columbus, 并获得了编舞专业学士学位, Performance, and Cultural Anthropology from Ohio University.  Find out more about Anna and the Annadroids at

Megan Pitcher (BFA ’02) –  Founder, Artistic Director, 以及Meglouise的跨学科艺术家,Meglouise是芝加哥的一个合作运动和基于媒体的表演团体. You can find out more about Meglouise at

Joshua Dean (BFA ' 01)-
现任纽约佩斯大学舞蹈兼职讲师,也是一名表演者, choreographer, and aerialist. 他曾为传奇的Twyla Tharp和几个纽约舞蹈公司跳舞. 他也是纽约空中艺术的共同所有人,并在全球范围内表演空中舞蹈.  约书亚也是纽约空中舞蹈和表演公司2 Ring Circus的成员.
Check out Josh’s website at

Featured Alumni 1990 - 1999

Nathan Andary (BFA ' 99) -newbb电子平台舞蹈学院副讲师,拥有硕士学位.F.A. in Dance from the University of Maryland—College Park (2012). Nathan是Laban/Bartenieff认证的运动分析师和躯体运动教育家. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Ohio Dance

Christine Camper - earned four degrees from OU, starting with a BFA in Dance, an MA, 以及课程与教学博士学位均毕业于美术学院, and a MEd from The Patton College of Education. 西弗吉尼亚州教育部前艺术协调员,哈茨维尔科克学院舞蹈助理教授, South Carolina.    

Lesley Kennedy (BFA ' 93) - 2013年舞蹈学院优秀校友. 认证杂技瑜伽老师,执业按摩治疗师,普拉提教练,灵气治疗师. Danced with Mikhail Baryishnikov and Azure Barton in NYC. Member Doug Elkins Dance Company. NY.  

Suzi Shelton (BFA ' 93) -是一名儿童音乐录音艺术家,在过去的10年里,她一直在纽约的家附近为孩子们表演音乐. 苏茜在俄亥俄州的切斯特兰长大,学习幼儿教育和舞蹈. Find out more about Suzi at
克里斯汀戴利(BFA ' 92) -舞蹈系主任和索诺玛州立大学教授.  在纽约与道格·埃尔金斯舞蹈团在国内和国际上巡回演出.

Regina Klenjoski (BFA ' 92) -洛杉矶Regina Klenjoski舞蹈团(RKDC)的创始人和艺术总监. 
“里贾纳·克伦佐斯基是领导南方当代舞团的最活跃、最雄心勃勃的舞蹈制作人之一”——刘易斯·西格尔, Los Angeles Times.  
Find out more about RKDC at

Featured Alumni 1980 - 1989    

Jane Weedon (BFA ’89) – Therapist at Work Space in NY, specializing in Physical Therapy, Pediatric Physical Therapy, Therapeutic Body, and Infant Massage. Arts Administrator for Hospital Audiences, Inc.这是一个将艺术带给精神病患者和发展障碍人士的组织.
莎拉·甘布林(1988届BFA) -德克萨斯女子大学舞蹈副教授. MFA from University of Washington, 与Bebe Miller舞蹈团进行国际巡演. in NYC. Find out more about Sarah at

James Adlesic (BFA ' 86) -纽约电视剧《newbb电子》的外景探和经理. 获得纽约艺术基金会颁发的七千美元编舞奖.  与Merian Soto, Pepon Osorio和其他纽约艺术家一起巡回北美和南美.  Performer in independent films.

Nick Carlisle(1984届BFA) -俄亥俄州Painesville的伊利湖学院舞蹈教师. 他广泛的表演生涯包括汤姆埃弗特舞蹈团的成员, Cleveland Ballet Dancing Wheels and MorrisonDance, as well as appearances with the Cleveland Opera, the Repertory Project and the Lakeland Civic Dance Company. 

RoseAnne Spradlin (BFA ’83) - 2003 Bessie Award Recipient.  Certified Movement Analyst, Body Mind Centering Practioner; Independent performer/choreographer, NYC, private movement therapist/educator. Former dance faculty at ADF in North Carolina and NYC.

Mimi Goese (BFA ’82) - 1990 Bessie Award Recipient.  目前与几位作曲家和乐队录制Hugo Largo和Delilah.  Independent performance artist/singer, NYC.

Anne Lobst (BFA ’82)- 1989 Recipient of Bessie Award.  Independent performance artist/actress; co-director DanceNoise, NYC.

露西·塞克斯顿(1982届BFA) -纽约电影和戏剧作品制片人.  1989 Recipient of Bessie Award.  Independent performance artist, co-director of DanceNoise, NYC. 在纽约观看安妮和露西的行为艺术作品《newbb电子》.…

Featured Alumni 1969 - 1979

Vanessa Bell-Calloway (BFA ' 79) - 1994年获得newbb电子平台优异奖, 凡妮莎是纽约和洛杉矶的女演员和舞者,并在舞台上表演, in films and for tv in productions like “Dreamgirls,” “All My Children,” “Coming to America” and “What’s Love Got to Do with It.” She has also starred in several NBC and CBS sitcoms. Find out more about Vanessa at

John McLaughlin (BFA ’79) - Recipient of Bessie Award.  Formerly member Douglas Dunn Co., Served as visiting faculty member at the University of North Carolina after returning from teaching at the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts; founder of “Before the Dancing Company,” in Perth, Australia.  Current faculty member in Mississippi.

南希·艾莉森·史密斯(76届BFA) -获奖导演/制片人, 纽约的编舞和表演者,2002年newbb电子平台美术学院杰出校友奖获得者.  In addition to extensive training in classical, 她还获得了拉班运动分析和ISHTA瑜伽的认证. 南希的获奖影片曾在世界各地的电影节上放映. You can view a sample of Nancy’s work at

Linda Sohl-Ellison (BFA ' 75) - 2006年舞蹈学院优秀校友. MFA, UCLA; professor at Orange Coast College in La; director/choreographer/performer, Rhapsody in Taps, Los Angeles; former member Jazz Tap Ensemble.  Recently finished choreography project with Gregory Hines.  Performing in California, New York City and Europe. 1997年,她在杨百翰大学的舞蹈获得了美国大学舞蹈节的表彰.

托马斯·埃弗特(BFA ' 73) - 2005年杰出校友舞蹈学院,舞者/编舞和艺术家. Former soloist, Paul Taylor Dance Co., NYC; former faculty, Cleveland State University and director of Tom and Susana Evert Dance Co. of Cleveland. Find out more about Tom Evert at

黛博拉·莱利(1972届)-现任驻校艺术家和行政人员, The Dance Place, Washington, D.C.  Recipient of 2001 Outstanding Alum of School of Dance.  MFA, University of Illinois, 前成员道格拉斯·邓恩和舞者以及与黛安·弗兰克合作的独立编舞/表演者.

罗杰·普雷斯顿-史密斯(1972届BFA) -在百老汇和巡演公司演出, “Peter Pan,” and “Annie Get Your Gun.曾担任CBS电影《newbb电子》(Gypsy)的助理编舞,该片由贝蒂·米德勒(Bette Midler)主演.

JoAnn Fregalette-Jansen(1972年BFA):与约翰·特拉沃尔塔合作的电影《newbb电子平台》的编舞和演员, other movie choreography credits include “The Astronaut’s Wife,” “Remember the Titans,” “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,” “Lucky Number,” “The Mexican,” “What Dreams May Come,” “Rosell,” Target and the X-Files.  《newbb电子》的编剧、制片人和编舞.” Former member Dan Wagoner Dance Company; guest artist teacher at California Institute for the Arts.

Diane Frank (BFA ’69) - Faculty at Stanford University MFA, University of Illinois; former member Douglas Dunn and Dancers; independent choreographer/dancer working with Deborah Riley; former teacher, Merce Cunningham Studio.