
Theater Audition and 面试登记

Because the School of Theater considers artistic talent in the review process, students pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) major must audition, 面试, and/or submit additional materials for admission and scholarship consideration. BFA applicants who do 不 audition, 面试, and/or submit additional materials but who are admissible to the University will be admitted to the BA in theater. Applicants pursuing the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in theater major are 不 required to audition, 面试, or submit additional materials, though they are strongly encour年龄d to 面试 for scholarship consideration.

Performance BFA Major Auditions


Students applying to a theater performance BFA major must audition for consideration for the program. Applicants who do 不 complete this step but who are admissible to the University will be admitted to the BA in Theater.

Details about auditions for fall 2025 applicants will be available in the coming weeks.

Non-Performance BFA Major Interview/Supplementary Materials

Playwriting | Production Design & Technology | St年龄 Man年龄ment

All Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) majors require an 面试 with faculty for admission to the program. Some majors also require supplementary application materials. See below for more specific requirements and details about submitting your materials and registering for an 面试.

材料提交 and 面试登记


Details about 面试s for fall 2025 applicants will be available in the coming weeks.


Supplementary materials are required for admission to the production design & technology and playwriting majors. Supplementary materials are optional for students pursuing the st年龄 man年龄ment major.

Submit supplementary materials

Requirements: Production Design and Technology

  1. 面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.
  2. 投资组合: 提交一份作品集. 除了轻情节, 服装效果图, 集设计, 画家海拔, 照片, or slides of any theatrical work you have done, your portfolio can include: sketches, 图纸, 绘画, 涂鸦, 诗歌, 短篇小说, 或拼贴画. 简而言之, include anything that you have created that represents your aesthetic and/or your creative impulses.


  1. 面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.
  2. 写作样本: Submit a writing sample of at least 10 p年龄s in length (up to 30 p年龄s in total maximum). Though dramatic writing samples are typically preferred, writing samples can be any creative writing or academic/scholarly writing that you believe best represents your voice as an artist.

Requirements: St年龄 Man年龄ment


面试: Interviews are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to talk about your work and share with us your big ideas and goals.


创意的简历: 提交一份有创意的简历, which should list all appropriate high school and, 如果适用的话, 社会经验. You may bring a production book if you have one, but it is 不 required. You may also bring a portfolio of other production work you have done; anything that represents your experience with st年龄 production is appropriate.


Students applying for the theater BA major are encour年龄d to participate in an 面试 for scholarship consideration. 面试是 不 required for admission to the BA program.


Details about 面试s for fall 2025 applicants will be available in the coming weeks.


Interviews for theater BA scholarship consideration are designed to provide you with an opportunity to get to know theater faculty and learn more about the programs and opportunities available to you in the School of Theater. 在你的面试中, you will get to share with us your big ideas and goals.


For questions about theater auditions or materials submission, 杰西卡·福克斯, assistant director of recruitment for the Chaddock + Morrow College of Fine Arts.

newbb电子平台 operates on a holistic, selective review and looks for evidence of academic preparation when reviewing applications for admission. 另外, because the School of Theater considers artistic talent in the review process, students pursuing certain academic programs must audition, 面试, and/or submit additional materials for admission and scholarship consideration. newbb电子平台 and the School of Theater do 不 discriminate against any applicants because of race, color, 宗教, 年龄, 国家的起源, 种族, 国家的祖先, 性, 怀孕, 性别, 性别 identity or expression, 性取向, military service or veteran status, mental or physical disability, 或者遗传信息.