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College of Health Sciences and Professions

College of Health Sciences and Professions


改善健康和向社区提供卫生保健需要许多人的双手和心灵——这是一项非常“人与人”的努力. 我们面临的共同挑战是利用技术进步和进步,在不失去“关怀”精神的情况下充分利用它们.”


That’s where you come in.

During your educational experiences with us, 通过选择专业和重点领域,你将以独特的方式贡献你的时间和才能. 你还将学习如何运用你的个人技能,通过合作来帮助推动医疗保健向前发展, interdisciplinary efforts.

You’ll be prepared to serve communities, big and small, 加入21世纪蓬勃发展的劳动力大军,忙于创造可扩展的解决方案,以解决当今最大的健康挑战,同时在俄亥俄州和世界各地创造积极的健康成果.

Ready to commit to care?

Serve. Solve. Succeed.

Now more than ever, 我们认识到,健康比简单地治疗疾病要大得多、复杂得多. 健康影响生活的方方面面,从经济到教育. 在newbb电子平台健康科学与专业学院, 我们是全国最大的健康学院之一. But more importantly, 我们解决健康问题的创新方法——影响健康的因素, who provides it and how to improve it — is big.


我们的经验和跨学科的方法准备CHSP学生的职业生涯作为明天最好的护士, social workers, nutritionists, sports trainers, physical therapists, hospital administrators and more. And, as a leader in population health, 我们拥抱社区伙伴关系,建立协作, 可扩展的解决方案,能够应对这个时代最大的危机和挑战.


我们教导学生要有大局观,同时不忽略细节, 因此,他们可以制定切实可行的解决方案,切实改善健康状况, 从主要城市创伤中心的前线到阿巴拉契亚最偏远的角落——一次一个人,一个社区.

Nursing white coat ceremony 2023

Schools and Departments

Department of Athletic Training

运动训练是一门专门从事临床诊断的保健专业, immediate management, treatment and rehabilitation of acute, chronic or congenital musculoskeletal conditions. 

Athletic Training

Department of Exercise Physiology

运动生理学的研究生学位为研究提供了机会, clinical exercise physiology. 本科学位为继续进入医学院奠定了科学基础, athletic training, physical therapy and physician assistant programs.

Exercise Physiology

Department of Food and Nutrition

newbb电子平台健康科学与专业学院食品与营养系提供本科生, graduate and research opportunities to students.

Food and Nutrition

Department of Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences

该系提供听力科学学士学位, 言语与语言科学和临床听力学博士学位, Hearing Science and Speech-Language Science.

Hearing, Speech and Language Sciences

Department of Interdisciplinary Health Studies

从综合医疗保健研究理学学士到医疗保健领导课程和证书, 我们为注重健康的学生提供了一个开阔视野和获得新技能的机会.

Interdisciplinary Health Studies

School of Nursing

护理学院很自豪能够成为学院中一些发展最快的项目的所在地, including an online RN to BSN, online MSN, 在线DNP学位以及传统的校园BSN课程在雅典和地区校园.


Department of Physical Therapy

该部门提供物理治疗博士(DPT), 有DPT/PhD选项和物理治疗住院医师项目.

Physical Therapy

Department of Physician Assistant

该部门在都柏林大学都柏林综合教育中心提供医师助理实践硕士学位, Ohio.

Physician Assistant Practice

Department of Social and Public Health

社会和公共卫生系是个人激情与公共利益相结合的地方, with programs including Child and Family Studies, Community and Public Health, Environmental Health Science, and Health Services Administration.

Social and Public Health

Department of Social Work

newbb电子平台的社会工作专业提供各种各样的学位课程, 包括校园社会工作学士学位,校园和100%在线版本的社会工作硕士学位.

Social Work


2023/2024 CHSP Student/Faculty Awards

CHSP has many outstanding faculty, students, and staff. Our college sky is full of many shining stars. Sometimes stars shine particularly bright. It’s important to make note of those achievements. Thank you for the hard work! You are appreciated! - Dean McCarthy

View the CHSP 2023/2024 Student/Faculty Awards

Upcoming CHSP Events

View All CHSP Events

Thursday, September 19 Hills and Hollers: HILLBILLY with Tom Hansell 7:00 PM Athena Cinema

Saturday, September 21 40th Anniversary Physical Therapy Alumni Gala All Day Walter Hall

Saturday, September 28 CHSP Homecoming 2024 Celebration 11:30 AM — 2:00 PM Grover Center, Atrium