
M.S. 在物理


物理 & 天文系提供理学硕士学位, 哪个是通过研究和课程作业的结合来实现的. M.S. degree can be earned by submission of a research thesis with an oral examination and at least 14 credit hours of graduate level lecture or laboratory courses 在物理 & 天文学. 它也可以在非论文选项下获得, which requires satisfactory completion of a faculty-approved project (one to four credits) and the department’s set of six core courses. The research activities in the department are broad and include astrophysics and cosmology, 生物物理学, 凝聚态物质与表面科学, 以及核物理和粒子物理. 在这些领域进行实验和理论研究. Furthermore, inter-disciplinary and inter-departmental programs are also possible.


  • 天体物理学和宇宙学: Students will learn the physical principles behind the workings and evolution of the universe and structures located within, 包括明星, 黑洞, 星系, 以及宇宙大尺度结构.  The program combines observational and theoretical studies with the option of a thesis project in observational or theoretical astrophysics.  Observational work can be completed with newbb电子平台’s share of the MDM observatory and/or other national and international observatories.
  • 生物物理学: 学生将学习物理, 数学 and life science principles involved in this strong interdisciplinary field of research, 物理概念, 数学, 和生物学结合起来研究生物是如何工作的. newbb电子平台定量生物学研究所, the interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program and the Bioengineering Program facilitate this advanced training. 学生将经常与生物学家合作, 无论是校内还是校外的生物工程师和数学家. Furthermore, they have access to and learn how to utilize emerging computing technologies.
  • 凝聚态物质与表面科学物理: Students will learn the basic principles that govern the physics of condensed matter physics, 包括原子现象, nano -, 晶体固体和非晶材料的介观和宏观尺度. 该计划结合了所有这些领域的实验和理论研究. Experimental work can be completed within the 雅典 campus with state-of-the-art facilities and/or in collaboration with national facilities. 研究 on theoretical physics range from analytic model development to computational physics.
  • 核与粒子物理: 学生将学习控制亚原子粒子的基本原理, from the quark-and-gluon substructure of nucleons to how complex nuclei are composed. The program includes both theoretical and experimental components as well as the application of nuclear physics to astrophysics. 实验工作在校园爱德华兹加速器实验室进行, or at external facilities including the Thomas Jefferson and Brookhaven National 实验室. Theoretical research includes computational investigations as well as analytic models.


获得M的学生.S. 在物理 can go on and pursue further graduate studies in 物理学与天文学 or in other fields. 他们也可以获得专业科学家的职位. M.S. is the minimal professional qualification for most physicist/astrophysicist positions in the USA. 

M .的毕业要求.S. 学位

M.S. Non-论文选项

  1. Satisfactory completion of the six core classes that comprise the core graduate curriculum.
  2. 最少30个学时.
  3. 学院批准的项目(一到四个学分).





M.S. 通过论文

  1. 最少30个学时.
  2. Minimum of 14 credits of graduate laboratory and/or lecture courses in 物理学与天文学 numbered 5xxx, 6 xxx, 不包括研究课程PHYS 6940和PHYS 6950.
  3. 提交研究论文及口试.






  • 学院批准的项目(非论文选项).
  • 书面论文的口头答辩(论文选项).

M.S. 通过论文

希望完成硕士学位的学生.S. by thesis must take at least 14 credits of graduate laboratory or lecture courses in 物理学与天文学.

They must also submit a research thesis to a committee of three faculty members and pass an oral examination on this research. 通常, the submission of the thesis and subsequent examination occur at the end of the student's second year at newbb电子平台. The final copy of the thesis must be in the hands of the committee members at least two weeks prior to the oral examination date. 检查之后, the committee has a maximum of three days to provide comments and corrections to the students.

The examination consists of a presentation by the student describing the research, 然后是论文委员会的提问. The questions are designed to test the student's understanding of the research he or she has performed. The committee may also probe the student's knowledge of the background to the work he or she carried out for the M.S.

M的要求.S. by thesis are completed when the student has taken sufficient lecture/laboratory course credits, 我通过了这次口试, 并将审定的论文提交文学院 & 科学.

M.S. Non-论文选项

M.S. 可以在非论文选项下获得吗. This requires satisfactory completion of a faculty-approved research project (of one to four credits), 以及该系六门核心课程(5041), 6001, 6011, 6020, 6021, 和6031年, 见下文). 典型的是M.S. student would take all the core courses in their first year, and would do so in the following order:


  • 物理5041数学方法
  • 物理6001力学
  • 物理学6020量子力学1


  • 物理6011统计力学
  • 物理学6021量子力学2
  • 物理6031电动力学


Students entering this program are normally expected to have successfully concluded undergraduate work in mechanics, 电与磁, 热力学, 统计力学和量子力学. 他们还应该具备实用的数学知识,包括微积分, 常微分方程, 傅里叶级数, 矢量分析, 以及偏微分方程的基本元素. GRE语言和数量考试是可选的. GRE物理科目考试是可选的. Deficiencies of undergraduate preparation should not deter a prospective student with an otherwise good record, 因为这些可能是在研究生学习的第一年补上的.

There are no specific deadlines, but most applications for financial aid are received by Jan. 15美元,大多数报价在4月15日之前发出. Most students enter the physics program in the fall, although some add the preceding summer session. 在学年期间入学是可能的,但通常不鼓励. 有关研究生课程的所有细节, 与研究生招生委员会主席联络(physicsgradapps@俄亥俄州.edu).


The graduate program mission is to: (a) give our students a thorough grounding in the theoretical and experimental knowledge required to be a professional physicist; (b) partner students with faculty to perform cutting-edge research on joint projects with direct supervision and intense feedback; and (c) initiate them into the worldwide scholarly community and improve their oral and written communication skills through writing of research papers, 在会议和研讨会上展示成果, 以及论文的撰写. 


  • 培养分析能力和解决问题的能力.
  • 对物理定律和原理有很好的理解.
  • 获得测量技术和设备的经验.
  • 培养评估不确定性和假设的能力.
  • Demonstrate the ability to present the results of investigations orally (with thesis) and in writing (without thesis).
  • 掌握运用数学解决问题和检验假设的能力.