
数据管理, Sharing, and Security

Data management, sharing and security have risen to higher levels of scrutiny in recent years. Federal agencies and sponsors have or are developing specific requirements for data management and data sharing plans along with data security plans at the time of proposal or just-in-time. 研究 data security is critical and impacts decisions made regarding management and sharing. Below is information to assist you in developing data management plans for your research. 

Please contact the 俄亥俄州 库 and 俄亥俄州 Office of Information Technology (OIT) early in the proposal development process to ensure the development of plans that will serve your research well.


University 库’ 研究 数据管理 Guide – An introduction to data management issues and tools for further learning and exploration, including data management plans, 元数据, 开放数据, and data repositories.

数据管理 Plan Tool (DMP Tool) – A free online tool which uses a click-through wizard and funder-based templates to guide you in creating a DMP that complies with specific funder requirements.


NIH will begin requiring data sharing plans on January 25, 2023.  It is expected that other federal agencies will soon follow.  PIs will need to outline how scientific data and any accompanying 元数据 will be managed and shared, taking into account any potential restrictions or limitations. 

NIH Scientific 数据共享 Page

12 Days of 数据管理 and Sharing Tips & 资源

NOT-OD-22-189: Implementation Details for the NIH 数据管理 and Sharing Policy

补充:  PREVIEW:  数据管理 and Sharing Plan Format Page

NOT-OD-21-013: The Final NIH Policy for 数据管理 and Sharing\补充: Elements of an NIH 数据管理 and Sharing Plan

NOT-OD-21-014: Elements of an NIH 数据管理 and Sharing Plan

不是- od - 21 - 015: Allowable Costs for 数据管理 and Sharing

不是- od - 21 - 016: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported 研究

NIH Institute and Center 数据共享 Policies



  • To best understand considerations for 数据安全 practices for research, begin by reviewing the Information Security Office’s 数据安全 Guidelines for 研究
  • When dealing with sensitive data be sure to review the Information Security Office’s webpage on Sensitive Data:  Defining and Classifying to be sure you are properly classifying the sensitivity of your research data.
    • It is also important to ensure that you are utilizing the appropriate university tools to store your data based on its sensitivity. The Storing Data by Type page allows you to search the acceptable storage location for your research data based on the category of data. 交替, Storing Data by Solution page allows you to search the acceptable data types that can be stored within a given enterprise wide IT solution such as Qualtrics, 搬运工等等.
    • When dealing with HIPAA data be sure to reference the webpage HIPAA at newbb电子平台. If you are unsure if the data you are dealing with is HIPAA data please reference the resource titled “Determining the Applicability of HIPAA when Performing 研究” found under the 资源 for 研究es heading on this page.