

注意: University staff: please bookmark this page rather than downloading forms to your computer. Forms are updated regularly to comply with University policy and the needs of the Review Panel.

根据newbb电子平台程序12.050第五部分, the Tuition Appeal Review Panel considers student requests for reimbursements of tuition charges associated with class drops, 从newbb电子平台退学, or other situations that were due to circumstances beyond a student's control that prevented him/her from adhering to drop or withdraw deadlines.

根据有关退学截止日期的规定, students are generally entitled to a 100% tuition refund if all full-semester (14-week) classes are dropped (registration canceled) before classes begin, an 80% tuition refund if all classes are dropped by the Friday of the second week of the semester, and no refund at all if classes are dropped after the Friday of the second week of the semester. 某些课程的加/退日期有所不同, 根据课程长度和/或开始结束日期, as noted in the class information in the course registration system.


No tuition refund is available in a term in which there are earned grades (A-F, P and CR and S).




  1. Step 1: 联系 your college, regional campus, or Graduate College dean's office.
    The deans offices will refer you to staff who will guide you through the appeal process and submit the appeal to the review panel on your behalf.
  2. 第二步:填写学费申诉表. 
    注意: the Excel form below can be downloaded and filled out electronically successfully using most desktop and laptop computers. If the form does not download properly, please use the standard PDF form and complete it by hand.
  3. 第三步:写信给学费上诉委员会. 
    In the letter, outline the circumstances that support the tuition appeal. 要具体,并包括事件/发生的日期.
  4. 步骤4:附上文档.
    See 支持上诉的情况 section below for direction.
  5. Step 5: Submit the appeal to the college, regional campus, or Graduate College dean's office.

Refunds are determined relative to the dates of the circumstances.


Appeals may take two to four weeks to be reviewed and processed, 取决于上诉的性质.

Students must contact their dean's office staff regarding the status of their appeals.


  • 重大疾病或受伤* 这使该学生无法上课, 完成作业, 或者被迫从所有班级或大学退学. Appeal must include completed university medical documentation form. (见下文因健康原因撤离回国一节.)
  • 直系亲属患病或受伤* that requires extended absence from all classes 或者被迫从所有班级或大学退学. 上诉必须包括有关情况的文件(例如.g., letter from medical professional confirming situation and student's role as caregiver). 直系亲属的定义是:配偶, 儿子, 女儿, 妈妈。, 父亲, 哥哥, 妹妹, 祖父母, 孙子, 岳父, 婆婆, 女婿, 姐夫, 嫂子, and a legal guardian or other per儿子 who stands in place of a parent, plus domestic partners and the domestic partner's immediate family.
  • 直系亲属或监护人死亡.* Appeal must include documentation of death and student's relationship (e.g.、讣告、死亡证明、丧葬公告).
  • 在另一所学院/大学的注册/出勤率 却从未在newbb电子平台上课. Appeal must include verification of attendance at the other institution.
  • 不可预见的工作变化 这会与上课时间产生冲突. Appeal must include verification from the employer, on company letterhead.
  • 是校方或校方员工的错误. Appeal must include confirmation from the university officer regarding the nature/circumstances of the error.
  • 〇军事部署 被要求执行现役军事任务/部署的学生.
    联系退伍军人协调员,在 newbb电子平台退伍军人和军人学生服务中心.
    Veterans Coordinator, Office of the University Registrar, newbb电子平台, 雅典, OH 45701

*Tuition appeals for medical or bereavement rea儿子s are limited to students who are withdrawing from all courses.

想要退一门或多门课的学生, 但不是所有的班级, 可以通过My俄亥俄州学生中心退学吗.

如果撤回截止日期已过, students may submit a petition to drop a class after the drop deadline (see below). 迟到的退学不符合学费调整的条件.


Withdrawal for medical rea儿子s will result in a "medical hold" on your student account. 您将收到所有课程的WP或WF成绩, 但你的总绩点不会受到影响.

Please note that while the "medical hold" is in effect you will not be able to register. We hope you will be able to return to your studies at newbb电子平台 which you can do after medical clearance has been granted by a health care professional treating your condition.


The following circumstances are generally not sufficient to support a tuition appeal include, 但不限于:

  • 经济援助不足和/或经济困难
  • 没有意识到添加/删除的最后期限
  • 为了避免低分而逃课
  • deciding that school/work/life responsibilities are too overwhelming
  • 逮捕(不监禁)
  • 不熟悉计算机系统
  • 对讲师或课程内容不满意
  • determining that courses you took do not meet your academic and/or per儿子al goals
  • 忘记你已经登记了
  • 不熟悉或缺乏使用你的俄亥俄州.edu的电子邮件 and/or failed receipt of forwarded messages from your 俄亥俄州.edu的电子邮件


Dropping or withdrawing from a class is prohibited under registration deadlines, but under very exceptional circumstances students may petition their college or regional campus dean's office for an exception. 要考虑,原因必须是实质性的. Fear of earning a low grade in the class, for example, is not considered an exceptional circumstance. Students must submit a separate petition for each class they wish to drop. Students may not petition to drop a class that they have already completed.

  • 迟到的辍学不符合学费调整的条件.
  • Completed petitions should be returned directly to your academic college or regional campus dean's office for review.