


学生新闻社(SNB)简介, 一群才华横溢的俄亥俄学生,他们的任务是创造动态, 关于大学社区的引人入胜的内容. With a special focus on storytelling about the unparallelled Bobcat student experience, the SNB is made up of undergraduate and graduate students with a wide range of academic interests and specialties. Working with leaders and subject matter experts on the award-winning staff of University Communications and Marketing, 瑞士央行的团队为分销提供了专业水准的工作 俄亥俄州的新闻 以及整个大学的数字平台.  



SNB members are empowered to explore skill development in areas beyond news writing, 一种产生新鲜和吸引人的数字内容的实践. 在UCM的资源和导师的支持下, the students can dig into assignments and uncover the unique elements that bring their 俄亥俄州 stories to life.




莉莉亚当斯 is a senior in her third year of school as a media arts production major, 从事跨学科艺术和市场营销方面的辅修课程. 莉莉在辛辛那提出生长大, 俄亥俄州, 目前住在一个叫新里士满的小镇.

今年是莉莉在学生新闻局工作的第一年. She joined to be a helpful asset to the team’s marketing goals and to learn about the storytelling process. She likes to create content that benefits others and that is informational or biographical. Lily hopes that she will gain skills in research and storytelling during her time working with the team.


Kweku "Li" Diaw is a final year master's student majoring in Commercial Photography in Scripps College's Visual Communication program. 这位多才多艺的创意艺术家出生并成长于西非的加纳. 
Kweku一直热衷于讲故事, and joining the 学生新闻处 allowed him to hone his journalistic skills and document the intriguing stories happening on 俄亥俄州's campus. 
他喜欢写关于创意艺术和集体影响团体的文章, 俱乐部, 社会用他们的天赋和才能来影响人类. 自加入联调局以来,他最喜欢发表的文章有:

加入学生新闻社后, Kweku提高了他的采访技巧和新闻写作能力, taking on diverse stories and presenting them in different forms depending on the tone and experience of the story. His favorite part of being in SNB is meeting amazing people and telling their stories.  


亨利Gorsuch是哥伦布市的一名大三学生, 俄亥俄州, 主修新闻战略传播,辅修市场营销. He wanted to join the 学生新闻处 to build his writing portfolio and gain real-world journalism experience. Henry's favorite subjects to write about are events such as the Music Industry Summit or features on students and faculty who make a difference. 一旦他开始, he is excited to improve his skills in conducting interviews and editing in AP style. 


阿卡迪亚汉森 is a rising junior majoring in English through the Honors Tutorial College. 她来自俄亥俄州格拉夫顿. 

While Acadia is primarily a creative writer interested in producing works of fiction, she joined the 学生新闻处 in August 2023 to learn more about journalistic writing. 从那时起, 她对写雅典社区充满了热情, 健康, 以及学校的教育项目. Her favorite pieces to work on since joining the 学生新闻处 have been: 

The 学生新闻处 has taught Acadia that writing as a career is a very real possibility. 在她和他们在一起的时候, she has learned the steps of journalistic writing and how to arrange and conduct interviews. Her favorite moments with the 学生新闻处 are talking to coworkers and her supervisor and learning more about the 雅典 community. 


洛根·杰弗里斯是北坎顿的一名大四学生, 俄亥俄州 studying media production with a minor in marketing and a social media certificate. 

He wanted to join the 学生新闻处 to hone his production and editing skills by aiding in the production of podcast episodes to highlight the many interesting stories happening around newbb电子平台 and in 雅典.

Logan enjoys creating social media content for a variety of brands and organizations and is very excited to extend his skillset into audio production.

一旦他开始, he wants to develop his audio production and editing skills while working on the podcast. He also hopes to learn more about what it’s like to work with a team to brainstorm and come up with new and engaging ideas to be executed into full-length podcast episodes.

Isabellia Moyers-Chavez

Isabellia Moyers-Chavez is a third-year undergraduate student majoring in journalism strategic communication within the E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院. Originally from Dallas, Texas, Isabellia has spent most of her life in Canton, 俄亥俄州.

Isabellia has always been passionate about exploring various approaches to communication. 加入学生新闻社对她来说是一个自然的选择, as it provides abundant opportunities to refine her craft while acquiring new skills. The hands-on experience she gains in the Bureau is invaluable to her career development.

伊莎贝利亚特别喜欢报道同龄人的成功故事, 喜欢她, 是否在规划自己的职业道路. She believes that highlighting these stories helps convey to other students that they are not alone in their academic journeys. 她加入联调局后最喜欢的出版物是

加入学生新闻社后, Isabellia的后期制作技巧有了很大的提高, 磨练她的采访技巧, 对网页编辑有了全面的了解. She credits much of her growth to the supportive and collaborative environment. The teamwork and camaraderie within the Bureau make it feel more like a tight-knit community rather than just a workplace. 


艾玛·史蒂文森 is a second-year undergraduate student majoring in photojournalism in the School of Visual Communication in the Scripps College of Communication. 她是来自俄亥俄州希利亚德的摄影师.

Emma wanted to be in the 学生新闻处 because she is passionate about news photography and following a story. 这也将帮助她向同龄人学习,并成长为一个伟大的投资组合.

她喜欢从当地乐队,甚至更大的乐队的场地创作图像. 艾玛还喜欢拍摄当下发生的突发新闻. 一旦她开始在学生新闻局工作, Emma wants to form better writing skills and learn more about the inner workings of a news environment. 

  • 有兴趣加入学生新闻局?

    If you have questions about the 学生新闻处 or you would like to learn more about joining, 联系Sarah Logue俄亥俄州学生新闻局局长.