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Compassion is a powerful force--makes us want to understand, to help, 即使环境看起来势不可挡,也要看到别人的潜力. If this resonates with you, 人类服务学位可能是你将同情心转化为行动的途径. 

What is human services?

The field of human services is diverse and inclusive, 旨在通过广泛的知识和技能来满足个人的需求. 它的重点是预防和解决问题,以提高有需要的人的整体生活质量. The human services professional 致力改善服务质素,并推广无障碍服务,以提升服务质素, accountability, and coordination among professionals and agencies.

What is a human services degree?

人类服务学士学位提供了对社会的深刻理解, behavioral, 以及影响需要帮助的个人和社区的心理因素. This field of study emphasizes the importance of offering support, resources, and advocacy to vulnerable populations facing various challenges.

By focusing on aiding those in need, students learn how to navigate complex social systems, develop intervention strategies, and promote social justice and equity. Ultimately, 人类服务学位为个人提供了在他人生活中产生积极影响并为社会进步做出贡献所需的技能和知识.

Benefits of pursuing an online human services degree


By choosing to study online, 学生可以自由地平衡他们的教育目标和其他义务, such as work or family responsibilities. 这种灵活性允许个人创建适合他们独特需求和生活方式的个性化学习计划, 在不牺牲教育的情况下,更容易兼顾多个优先事项.

Human services degree jobs and enhanced communication skills

人类服务学位的工作通常需要熟练的沟通和文化能力. 在线人类服务项目通过各种数字平台培养这些基本技能, forums, and virtual collaboration tools.

Students hone their ability to convey ideas, listen actively, 通过参与讨论,与来自不同背景的同龄人有效合作, group projects, and virtual interactions. By navigating these digital spaces, 学生不仅提高了他们的书面和口头沟通能力,而且还培养了对如何在虚拟环境中进行同情和尊重的沟通的敏锐理解.

这种熟练程度为未来的人力服务专业人员准备了不断发展的数字交互景观. 它使他们具备必要的技能,以建立有意义的联系,并为有需要的人提供支持, regardless of physical distance.

Career opportunities in human services

人类服务学位为人类服务领域的众多职业机会打开了大门. 毕业生可以追求有助于个人和社区福祉和赋权的角色. 这些职业超越了传统的社会工作、咨询和案例管理. They encompass fields like healthcare navigation, nonprofit management, crisis intervention, youth services, program evaluation, and community development.

The human services field is constantly evolving, offering opportunities for specialization and advancement. Graduates may choose to focus on specific populations, such as children, veterans, older adults, or individuals with disabilities. 他们可以探索一些利基领域,如创伤知情护理、恢复性司法或社区组织.

By staying informed about best practices, emerging trends, and policy changes, 人力服务专业人员可以在他们的职业生涯中不断成长和适应, making a lasting impact on the lives of those they serve.

Community support and the impact of a human services career

人类服务专业人员通过各种角色提供重要的社区支持. Social workers may connect families with housing resources, counselors can offer mental health support to individuals, 社区外展工作者可能会为那些面临食品不安全的人组织食品活动.

人类服务的职业生涯提供了一个独特的机会,可以对社会产生有意义的影响,并提高有需要的个人的福祉. By choosing to work in this field, 专业人士不仅有机会解决复杂的社会挑战,也有机会倡导社会正义, promote equity, and foster positive change in their communities. Through their dedication, empathy, and expertise, human services professionals can empower individuals, provide essential support, 并为创造一个更富有同情心和包容性的社会做出贡献.


We live in a digital era, 在线教育为那些希望获得知识和技能的人提供了无与伦比的灵活性和可访问性,这些知识和技能可以真正发挥作用. 当个人遇到时间限制或地理障碍时 100% online Human Services degree program offers a promising solution. newbb电子平台的人类和消费者科学newbb电子科学学士学位课程以其对质量和可及性的坚定承诺而闻名.

Here are some key highlights of the program:

Rigorous curriculum

Rooted in evidence-based practices and ethical principles, the curriculum 使学生具备必要的知识和技能,在各种人类服务环境中茁壮成长.

Nationally recognized

Accredited by the 咨询及相关教育项目认证委员会(CACREP) the program upholds high standards of quality and excellence.

Experienced faculty

Learn from the seasoned faculty of OHIO’s Patton College of Education 拥有丰富的现场经验,将宝贵的现实世界见解带入课堂.

OHIO cares for its online students!

At OHIO Online, 我们认识到找到一个教育的重要性,不仅满足你的学术目标,而且支持你的个人需求. 

Key program features:

  • Flexible schedule: Study at your own pace, 让您在工作和家庭义务的同时管理您的学术课程.
  • Dedicated advisors: 在整个课程中接受学术顾问的个性化指导.
  • Mental health support: Access 24/7 telehealth support services to promote your well-being.
  • Career services: 受益于专门为帮助在线学生实现职业目标而量身定制的职业服务.

开始你的探索之旅:如果你正在考虑追求一个 bachelor's degree in human services with OHIO Online, 我们很乐意和你谈谈我们的课程提供了什么,以及我们如何帮助你实现你的目标,把你对他人的同情转化为一份为世界创造积极变化的职业. 

April 29, 2024
Staff reports