
糖尿病,一场全国性的危机,袭击了阿巴拉契亚的中心地带. While the infamous "Diabetes Belt" traditionally encompasses southern states like Georgia and Alabama, 阿巴拉契亚地区与糖尿病相关的死亡率同样惊人.

萨曼莎·佩勒姆| 2024年3月7日


糖尿病,一场全国性的危机,袭击了阿巴拉契亚的中心地带. While the infamous "Diabetes Belt" traditionally encompasses southern states like Georgia and Alabama, 阿巴拉契亚地区与糖尿病相关的死亡率同样惊人. 

A 美国疾病控制与预防中心最近的一项研究 强调了形势的严重性, 显示阿巴拉契亚地区的糖尿病发病率超过了全国平均水平. 在俄亥俄州, 俄亥俄州东南部首当其冲, 死亡率远高于州和全国平均水平. 

在一个社区意味着一切的地区, newbb电子平台已经直面这一挑战, 努力改变结果,并在这些高风险地区提供关键的治疗方案. 

According to the recent report, “Diabetes Mortality Statistics: United States and Ohio,” prepared by 俄亥俄州人口健康联盟 谢尔比级别, 伊丽莎白·贝弗利和里克·霍奇斯, 从2018年到2022年,俄亥俄州东南部的糖尿病死亡率最高,为55人.每10万人中有5人死亡,比州平均水平高出82%. 2018-2022年文顿县, 与雅典县相邻的一个县, 在俄亥俄州糖尿病死亡率最高,排名第二,第743名(满分2名),在美国所有郡县中,糖尿病死亡率为824人,为88人.每10万人有3人死亡.

贝弗利, 俄亥俄州糖尿病研究所的教授兼联合主任, 多年来一直致力于帮助糖尿病患者并找到减轻这种疾病的方法, 揭示了社会驱动力在该地区的重要作用.


Elizabeth 贝弗利 works with kids at the 糖尿病研究所's kids camp that offers children with type 1 糖尿病 an opportunity to connect with other kids throughout the region with the same challenges.

从历史上看, 阿巴拉契亚社区面临着无数的障碍, 从经济困难到有限的医疗服务, 增加了糖尿病的患病率,贝弗利解释道. “高失业率和低收入等社会决定因素加剧了健康差距, 这使得居民更难以优先考虑自己的福祉.

在这种情况下,获得护理成为一个关键问题. 医疗服务不足的地区与缺乏糖尿病专家和医生作斗争, 许多人没有得到适当的管理,并面临并发症的风险. 农村地区的负担尤其沉重, 到诊所和药店的交通会遇到额外的障碍吗.

认识到获取的重要性, newbb电子平台糖尿病研究所 has stepped in to provide innovative programs and strategic partnerships to help level the playing field for people across the region. 糖尿病研究所在多个方面开展工作, offering educational initiatives and crucial support systems for both adults and children grappling with 糖尿病.

其中一个倡议是糖尿病护士导航员计划, which works with adults and children with 糖尿病 to help them overcome barriers to care and help make sure they have resources they need to manage their 糖尿病, 包括解决交通等健康的社会驱动因素, 帮助个人了解保险, 或者促进药物的获取. 

另外, the institute's yearlong 糖尿病 预防 program empowers at-risk individuals to make lifestyle changes that reduce their chances of developing type 2 糖尿病.

“We offer direct services that create a supportive community for those with 糖尿病 and pre糖尿病 where they can get  education and the resources they need at little to no cost,——凯丽·库克, 他是糖尿病研究所的运营主任, 说. “我们的糖尿病教育项目为糖尿病患者提供知识, 技能和信心,以更好地控制他们的糖尿病和减少并发症的风险.”

The 糖尿病研究所 also offers a children’s camp in the summer for children with type 1 糖尿病 to connect them with other kids throughout the region with the same challenges they have so they can develop friendships and know they’re not alone in managing this disease. 夏令营帮助营员在糖尿病管理中建立自尊、自信和独立.


Members of the 糖尿病研究所, students and kids participating in the kids camp pose with Rufus.

大流行期间, the 糖尿病研究所 even began offering their 糖尿病 education and 预防 programs virtually so residents could still access their programs.  

“我们看到了这些项目的持续参与和成功, 因此,我们继续提供虚拟课程, 亲自或两者结合,库克说。. “This has improved the accessibility of our programs for participants without having to worry about barriers such as transportation or childcare.”



newbb电子平台的承诺超越了临床干预. 该机构还通过项目培训下一代科学家 R25糖尿病研究所暑期跨专业研究经历(DISIRE). 2023年6月, the Heritage College launched the first year of the five-year program which seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minority and Appalachian undergraduates who enter graduate programs in the biological sciences, 健康科学, 或相关领域. 

“There is a lot of training happening at OHIO both to ensure medical students are cognizant of how to serve rural areas, 但也要确保该地区的卫生专业人员掌握最新信息,贝弗利补充道. “One way we do this is by providing continuing medical education for providers in the region on various topics associated with 糖尿病.”

为学生提供解决农村地区糖尿病问题的工具, the university is cultivating a sustainable pipeline of specialists dedicated to serving underserved communities.

“In southeast Ohio there are fewer 糖尿病 specialists than in other regions of the state and patients often face barriers that make it more difficult for them to travel distances to seek care,库克说。. 免费的糖尿病诊所由 传统社区诊所,以及…… 旭日药房 这个地区有很好的资源吗, but more resources like this are needed throughout southeast Ohio to help ensure residents have access to appropriate care.”


奥尔巴尼, 俄亥俄州的本地, Pharmacist and associate clinical professor Sarah Adkins epitomizes this dedication to community service. 认识到俄亥俄州东南部急需负担得起的药物, 她带头建立了一家慈善药房, 旭日药房, 这能确保没有人必须在健康和财务稳定之间做出选择.

“My goal with this pharmacy is to make an impact and fix some of the barriers by making medicine available to everyone,阿德金斯说. 胰岛素的共付费用可能高达1500美元,相当于一个人一个月的房租. There are incredible free resources for education and clinics thanks to newbb电子平台 - why should medication be any different?”

人们不仅可以在药房免费拿药, 但阿德金斯解释说,这要归功于志愿者丹·休斯的慷慨, 他们能够免费向该地区的人们提供药物. 

这些努力的影响在整个区域产生反响, 为那些与糖尿病斗争的人提供了一条生命线. 通过弥合准入方面的差距, 教育和负担能力, newbb电子平台不仅是糖尿病治疗的革命,而且是培育一个更健康的未来.

“We will continue to offer high quality 糖尿病 预防 and education programs at little to no cost to help ensure residents are able to access these programs. We also want to be innovative and responsive to the needs of community members by seeking feedback from those impacted by 糖尿病 through our Patient and Family Advisory Committee. Tapping into the unique perspectives of patients and their families can help us shape the future of regional health care services, 确保他们真正以病人为中心,库克补充道.

目前, 糖尿病研究所的研究人员正在进行心血管疾病的研究, 糖尿病, 胰岛素抵抗, 肥胖, 以及人口健康,这将影响未来糖尿病患者的护理, 预防, 和治疗.


Karie Cook (left) gives Diabetes Educator 凯伦·贝利 (right) an award for her service during the 糖尿病研究所's anniversary.

俄亥俄州人口健康联盟(OAPH) is a statewide collaborative focused on improving the health of all Ohioans by solving the most complex and pressing population health concerns across the state. 符合OAPH的首要使命, this report aims to identify disparities in 糖尿病 mortality among Ohioans and consider how these disparities can be addressed to improve health and well-being across the state.

The 糖尿病研究所 serves students and professionals by providing education and training in the field of 糖尿病. This includes continuing education for healthcare professionals as well as research seminars and symposia focused on sharing research findings and cultivating research collaborations. 最近, 贝弗利 was also asked to serve on the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Professional Practice Committee (PPC) to establish the national Standards of Care in Diabetes.