Alumni and Friends | University Community



被提名为董事会成员的newbb电子平台队成员是休伊·鲍尔(1967届BSEd), Kim Barlag (BA '92, MA '17), Bob Brewster (BBA '02) and Dr. Andrew Razzano (BS '05, DO '09).

“我们很感激这些不可思议的newbb电子平台加入newbb电子平台校友会董事会,” said Jennifer Shutt Bowie, BSJ ’94, MS ’99, associate vice president of alumni relations and annual giving, 也是newbb电子平台校友会的执行理事. “这四位新成员将为董事会带来独特的见解和专业知识, which endeavors to represent all OHIO alumni. 我们的新成员也是未来newbb电子平台毕业生的杰出榜样, showcasing career success, leadership, community support and personal achievement. 我们很自豪地欢迎他们继续对newbb电子平台及其学生做出承诺.”

作为代表世界各地newbb电子平台队的官方组织 Ohio University Alumni Association aims to connect, 通知和服务大学的不同校友和朋友,以支持大学的使命和愿景. Composed of 24 OHIO graduates from many different backgrounds, newbb电子平台校友会董事会代表了超过275个成员的多样性,000 Bobcats worldwide.

Meet the Board

Huey Ball
Huey Ball

Huey Ball

休伊·鲍尔1967年毕业于newbb电子平台,获文学学士学位 Secondary Education、社会综合研究(历史、政府、社会学、经济学).  A retired senior account representative, for the 3M Company, Ball sold adhesives, sealers, coatings, electrical connectors, 三大汽车制造商OEM和售后市场使用的温度传感装置和各种其他产品.   

Also during his wide-ranging career, 鲍尔是保险和证券行业的个体户, 他曾在工业产品行业工作,退休后在伊普斯兰蒂中学担任代课老师. 

He and his wife, Grace M. Ball, have three children, Eric, Monica and Nicole, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.  Notably, 埃里克和其他四名运动员分享了玫瑰碗触地得分记录(四次触地得分), 莫妮卡是普渡大学的毕业生,在那里她是排球队四年的首发球员, 妮可是1996年密歇根州200米冠军,当时她还是伊普斯兰蒂高中的学生.

Ball is a Founding Member of the Ebony Bobcat Network 该机构已经为newbb电子平台城市学者项目(Ohio University Urban Scholars Program)提供了50多万美元的资金. 他也是“newbb电子平台,一个独特的地方的精神1804-2004”的撰稿人. A 200-year history of the University,” by Betty Hollow.

Currently, 他是底特律哈特福德纪念浸信会教堂当代问题主日学班的主持人.


Kim Barlag
Kim Barlag

Kim Barlag 

Kim Barlag is the president and CEO of the Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce in Pickerington, Ohio. Barlag和她的团队为超过435家会员企业和组织提供支持, providing them with support/resources, networking/marketing opportunities, professional development, collaboration, and advocacy. The Chamber organizes six signature events a year, plus quarterly luncheons, a monthly networking group, After Hours Networking events, a Women’s Leadership Coalition, and more.

Barlag还担任Fairfield 33 Development Alliance董事会成员, the Pickerington Village Association Board, and the Fairfield County Business Advisory Council. She is also a member of the Pickerington Lions Club. 

此前,Barlag曾担任通信和营销总监 Ohio University’s Patton College of Education for eight years. 她也是视觉传达学院的兼职教授. 

Barlag is halfway through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute of Organization Management, a four-year program resulting in the IOM certification. She has a B.A. in English and an M.A. in Visual Communication Management from Ohio University. In addition, 在过去的10年里,她一直持有newbb电子平台橄榄球队的季票,是一名忠实的newbb电子平台队球迷!


Bob Brewster
Bob Brewster

Bob Brewster

Bob Brewster is a 2002 graduate of the College of Business at Ohio University. Since graduation, 布鲁斯特作为校友在学院内担任过多种职务,包括在董事会任职 Society of the Alumni and Friends and the Finance Advisory Council.  他也是无数学生的导师,并欢迎了几位实习生.

布鲁斯特以他广泛的个人和职业关系网而自豪, 并且喜欢帮助newbb电子平台校友找到回到大学的路.

作为一名专业的风险管理专家,他目前是汇丰银行的副总裁 Hylant, an insurance, 雇员福利和风险管理咨询公司在俄亥俄州有着悠久的历史. Brewster consults with executives of large companies each day.

布鲁斯特还活跃于商业社区,任职于多个董事会和委员会,包括Finance Executives International, Association for Corporate Growth, Construction Financial Management Association, just to name a few.

The proud Bobcat is an Akron, Ohio native and has lived in the great Columbus, Ohio area since graduation. 他和他的妻子Janie婚姻幸福,他们有两个活泼的男孩,RJ(13岁)和James(11岁)。. 


Dr. Andrew Razzano
Dr. Andrew Razzano

Dr. Andrew Razzano

Andrew J. Razzano, D.O. 是一名获得委员会认证并接受过奖学金培训的骨科医生,其特殊兴趣包括运动医学和膝关节治疗, shoulder, and elbow injuries. He performs knee and shoulder total joint replacements, as well as minimally invasive treatments for the knee, shoulder and elbow. 

Dr. Razzano graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Biology 2005年获得newbb电子平台骨科医学学位 Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2009. 在马西隆的亲和医疗中心完成了他的骨科住院医师实习期后, Ohio in 2014, Dr. Razzano博士在Beacon骨科和运动医学学院完成了ACGME认证的骨科运动医学奖学金. Timothy Kremchek.

During his fellowship, Dr. 拉扎诺参与了对辛辛那提红人队及其附属球队的报道, 也是莫尔黑德州立大学和普林斯顿高中的队医.

Dr. 自2018年以来,Razzano一直担任梅森高中的队医,也是梅森学区的医疗主任. Dr. Razzano has been part of the Cincinnati Reds medical staff 自2017年以来,他一直担任医疗总监一职. 

除了这些职责外,他还负责日常业务和延长时间为病人服务 Mason Office located at 4859 Nixon Park Dr, Mason, Ohio. Dr. Razzano对保持运动员在球场上的热情源于踢足球和打棒球的时间. 他仍然喜欢徒步旅行、登山和滑雪等户外活动. Dr. Razzano resides in Mason, Ohio.

newbb电子平台欢迎这四位有成就和奉献精神的毕业生加入 Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors.

November 13, 2023
Staff reports