Research and Impact

Gbolaga Olanrewaju wins top graduate award, 引力与空间研究会议海报第一名

Gbolaga Olanrewaju 获得优秀研究生奖,研究海报第一名 American Society for Gravitational and Space Research meeting in Houston as he and other students in Sarah Wyatt's lab 介绍了他们最近在国际空间站(ISS)进行的实验.

The ASGSR brought together experts from academic institutions, NASA, 和商业空间组织,重点研究生物和物理对变化重力条件的反应.

Olanrewaju, 他是newbb电子平台艺术与科学学院的植物生物学博士生, 他说,听到自己的名字被宣布为汤姆·K的冠军时,他感到很惊讶. 斯科特奖在引力和空间研究领域对研究生研究的重要意义.

Gbolaga Olanrewaju and Dr. Sarah Wyatt, with his Tom K. Scott award for top graduate student at the conference.
Gbolaga Olanrewaju and Dr. Sarah Wyatt, with his Tom K. Scott award for top graduate student at the conference.

“这是协会授予研究生的最高奖项, 这是对世界上对空间和引力研究做出重大贡献的认可. 我还获得了研究生海报第一名的奖金。.

“我很高兴能够与该领域的专业人士和同事会面并讨论各种太空研究项目. And I also met and interacted with Dr. 哈里森·施密特,他是迄今为止最后一个在月球上工作的人,”他补充道.

Olanrewaju's poster, "Proteomic response of Arabidopsis thaliana to spaceflight in the NASA BRIC LED hardware,报道了怀亚特实验室的实验是如何进入太空并由国际空间站的宇航员实施的,以及当这些小幼苗返回怀亚特实验室时会发生什么. His poster won first place in the graduate student poster category.

"To understand how plants can survive and thrive in space environment, NASA developed a series of hardware to transport plant in space. One of such hardware is the BRIC LED hardware, 这是对现有金砖四国硬件的改进,因为它集成了光源. To evaluate the effect of this hardware on plants in spaceflight, 我们将拟南芥种子(模式植物)在太空(近地轨道)发芽,并在大约12天后返回幼苗. 它们后来被宇航员冷冻并保存在RNA中,”奥兰雷瓦朱解释说.

"On receiving the seedlings in the Wyatt lab in Athens, 我提取了蛋白质,并使用先进的TMT标记和LC/MS技术进行了鉴定. 这些鉴定的蛋白质进行了一系列的生物信息学和统计学分析. 这使我们深入了解拟南芥植物蛋白质组景观如何响应航天环境而变化," he added.

Olanrewaju指出,这是在太空环境中对拟南芥植物进行的最复杂的蛋白质组学研究, 迄今为止,它对太空飞行对蛋白质转移的反应提供了最高的见解.

Olanrewaju's co-authors include Wyatt, in the Molecular and Cellular Biology program and the Environmental and Plant Biology Department at Ohio University, as well as Michael J. Naldrett, 内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校内布拉斯加州生物技术中心的蛋白质组学和代谢组学设施.

Gbolaga Olanrewaju discusses his poster at the conference.
Gbolaga Olanrewaju discusses his poster at the conference.

Wyatt lab members present multiple posters

Samantha Fedoush, a plant biology doctoral student, presented a poster, "The Role of E3 ligases in Plant Gravitropism,解释说,虽然植物对重力反应的一般途径是已知的, 需要对发生植物向地性的具体分子相互作用进行研究. Wyatt was her co-author.

“植物向地性途径的一个关键组成部分是一组被称为E3连接酶的蛋白质. 我的工作重点是研究在航天实验中发现的一组E3连接酶. To study these five E3 ligases identified, 我进行了三种向地性实验,以了解每种基因在向地性途径中的潜在作用. 在鉴定的5个E3连接酶中,有2个表现出明显的向地性反应. 我正在研究这两个以便找到它们的底物结合伙伴. 所有这些工作都有助于研究人员了解植物向地性所必需的分子相互作用," she said.

费多什说,她喜欢与本领域和跨领域的研究人员交谈,以更好地了解潜在的职业道路, adding, “为了未来的研究和职业机会,我努力与个人建立联系和网络."

Emma Canaday, also a plant biology graduate student, presented about her project, "Mining the Gravity Mutants of Arabidopsis,她在那里收集有关拟南芥所有重力突变体的信息. "Arabidopsis is basically the lab rat of plant biology," she said. "So far, 我们收集了200多篇描述突变植物的出版物,这些植物对重力的反应有缺陷. 将所有这些信息汇集到一个地方,通过创建一个将50多年的研究成果汇集到一个地方的资源,有助于研究界.

Additionally, 她创建的数据库将有助于未来使用计算方法进行生物学研究. These computer-based approaches rely on good primary data, 用突变数据更新当前的系统将使各种各样的计算方法在研究重力时更加准确, she noted. Wyatt was a co-author on her poster.

"For me, 这次会议最令人惊奇的部分是见到了所有为我提供数据的实验室. 突变体和我的其他项目都依赖于利用其他生物学家的数据来寻找新方法. Getting to finally meet those people in person was a privilege. 当其中一位研究人员邀请我在会议的最后晚宴上与NASA生物和物理科学部门的领导坐在一起时,我也感到很荣幸. 人际关系网是任何面对面会议最好的部分。.

Victoria Swiler presented her work, "“Potential Role of AHA2 Protein in Plant Gravity Response," co-authored by Calvin Coffin, Nicolás Barr, and Wyatt.

Coffin presented a poster on his work, 在基础水平上表征转录因子活性 A. thaliana Gravitropism," co-authored by Wafa Aziz, alumnus Colin P.S. Kruse, Bailey E. Erikson, and Wyatt.

December 10, 2022
Staff reports