



  • 俄亥俄州的信贷


  • 人文社会科学
  • 可持续发展,食品和环境


  • 创艾德


  • 意大利


  • 夏天


Dr. 大卫·贝尔,项目联席主任 

Program Coordinator, 全球机遇办公室






比如冰淇淋、芝士蛋糕和巧克力? 杏仁糖、奶油甜卷和美味的意大利面怎么样? 

然后, come experience the cultural and historic food ways of Sicily, 地中海最大的岛屿! We'll travel Sicily's 东部 "Greek" coast to see and taste this unique island's rich history of food traditions.

We'll also explore Sicily's growing sustainable food movement while visiting the island's vibrant cities.  还有冰淇淋和煎饼卷的样品, there will be time for the beach and visits to baroque masterpieces, 以及联合国教科文组织世界遗产. We'll learn how Sicilian communities are reclaiming agricultural lands, 曾经是黑手党的据点, to strengthen cultural identity and promote economic development in areas long accustomed to poverty. 

通过橄榄, 杏仁, 还有柑橘林, 在葡萄园和麦田里, we will examine the historical and contemporary reach of Sicilian agriculture. 我们在岛上的时候, we will delve deep into how food serves to transmit cultural identity and how something so simple as a delicious meal can be a catalyst for civic and economic growth. 


  • “餐桌和市场意大利语”课程
  • 参观奥提吉亚的市场和景点, 意大利,包括圣乔瓦尼的地下墓穴, 犹太人居住区, 还有疯狂城堡
  • 在当地的施粥所协助烹饪晚餐
  • 烹饪班及品尝
  • 与本地社会企业会面
  • 卡塔尼亚一日游, 在意大利,你将参观鱼市, 历史古城中心, 本尼迪克特修道院, 希腊剧院, 和教堂
  • Canicattini Bagni一日游 & 能登
  • 山一日游. 埃特纳火山
  • 陶尔米纳一日游
  • 参观农场、酿酒厂和葡萄酒厂


  • Some locations will have limited access to wi-fi or cellphone service (including local cell phone providers).
  • 学生 should expect a moderate level of physical activity (walking) on this program.
  • 这个项目以滚动方式录取学生. 强烈建议尽早申请!


Shared (2-3 students per room) occupancy housing in centrally located self-catering apartments in Ortigia. Welcome and farewell dinner included in program fee.


Tentative 2024 program dates: May 8, 2024 - May 28, 2024

*Note participants will need to depart on May 7th to arrive in 意大利 on May 8.


该计划提供砖块 & 第三级课程选择!

学生 will choose 1 course from each group, for a total of 6 credit hours. 

  • 组1
    • ENG 2800 - 创艾德 Tier 1 Junior English Composition, 俄亥俄州 BRICKS: Foundation: Advanced Writing
    • CAS 2411 - 俄亥俄州 BRICKS: Bridge: Learning and Doing
    • T3 4414 - 创艾德 Tier 3, 俄亥俄州 BRICKS: Bridge: Learning and Doing
  • 组2
    • LING 2750 - 创艾德 Tier 2 Cross Cultural Perspectives, 俄亥俄州 BRICKS: Arch: 连接ed World (ACNW), 基础:跨文化探索, 主要主题:全球联系, 社会 & 正义 
    • 3880年灵
    • 4990年灵 
    • 5880年灵


The program fee for this program includes: Student accommodations, 远足, 机场接机, transportation and entrance fees to all program-related activities, 欢迎和告别晚宴, 以及国际医疗健康保险. 

除了项目费用之外, students should plan for 6 credit hours of tuition*, 行政费用, 还有自付费用. Below is the student budget worksheet for this program, which outlines these costs.  


与项目无关的项目(如. 更多的娱乐, 纪念品, 额外的旅行, contingency funds) are not included in the cost estimates provided and should be budgeted for separately.  


  • Non-resident surcharge waived for the credit hours associated with this program. 
  • 如果你被提名参加这个项目, you will be required to pay a deposit to confirm your participation. The deposit is a down payment on the total costs to be billed by 俄亥俄州 and is determined by the total cost of the program. 


More information on financial aid and scholarships can be found on our 资金的页面.


This program is open to all newbb电子平台 students (undergraduates and graduates) who are in good conduct standing.

学生 who will be on probation at any point during the program for a conduct offense that took place less than a calendar year from the program start date may not study abroad. 阅读完整的行为准则 

该项目接受非俄亥俄州的学生. 有关此过程的更多信息,请访问 非俄亥俄州学生页面.   

Participants must have a at least a high school diploma or the equivalent (e.g. GED) by the start date of the program to be considered for eligibility.  学生 enrolled in College Credit Plus (CC+) are not eligible for study away programs.

Note: This program has rolling admissions - early application is recommended. 预计会有大量的申请. 学生 should apply early to ensure their application materials will be considered.

Application Materials: One personal statement between 250-500 words explaining why you would like to go on the program and the name of one reference.


U.S. 公民必须持有有效的美国护照.S. passport when traveling outside of the United States. If you plan to study or travel abroad in the next year,  申请护照  现在. Some countries also require a visa to legally enter or reside in the country. 

U.S. 公民  will not  need a visa or other special document to enter the country for the length of this program. Please also note that visa requirements may vary if you plan to stay in the country longer than the program dates or travel to other countries during or after the program. Please familiarize yourself with these recommendations and requirements prior to applying to this program. 

For more specific visa-related information, please visit OGO’s  签证信息页面 

信息  班.S. 公民 


相关的博客 & 文章


Join us for upcoming information sessions hosted on 团队 to learn more about the program itinerary, coursework, and funding opportunities.

  • 待定
2017年Mt上的学生. 埃特纳火山