

你是否正在开始一个 交换 程序newbb电子或探索 Non-俄亥俄州 选项,这一页是您的指南,以国际全球经验转移学分. 以下流程的每个步骤都需要在 全球机会办公室学生门户网站 对于你的个人体验.  

Note: The below steps are only for international 全球 experiences where a student is participating in a credit bearing experience. 如果您正在寻找有关从美国大学转移学分的信息.S. ,请咨询您的成功顾问.


The Transfer Credit Approval Process is required to maintain your enrollment as an newbb电子平台 student. 此外,这个过程允许您:  

  • 确保你获得学分.
  • 确认你对获得的学分的期望是现实的.
  • Understand if and how your financial aid package (scholarships and loans) will apply to your program costs.  
  • 确保您了解适当的指导方针和政策 

还在缩小你的项目选择范围? 没问题. 

If you have narrowed your program choice down to a final two or three options but want to see how credits and financial aid applies to each create an application in the OGO学生入门网站 with details for each program.  当你决定了你的最终选择,发邮件 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu 让我们知道你想取消其他的申请.  


信贷审批过程包括四个步骤,您将在 全球机会办公室学生门户网站

  1. Admissions Approval - Confirms that the institution issuing your transcript is accredited by a national ministry of education and the credits earned can be accepted by newbb电子平台.  
  2. Academic Approval – Evaluates what courses will be available on your 全球 experience and how they will transfer back to newbb电子平台. 
  3. 预算和财政援助批准 - Understand total program cost as well as if and how financial aid can apply to your program costs. 
  4. 核实入学情况 到达现场后, 您将提交一份注册验证表, 哪一个可以让newbb电子平台确认你的入学并支付任何适用的经济援助. 

Admissions Approval 

This section is completed by an 全球机遇办公室 (OGO) advisor in consultation with Undergraduate 入学s when your program is approved within the OGO学生入门网站.  您将知道您的课程是由OGO批准的,当您的课程名称在 OGO学生入门网站 switches from "Non-俄亥俄州 Placeholder Program" to the actual name of your selected program and you have received an "Acceptance" email.  注意:这个过程可能需要一个星期后,你的申请已经收到.  

在OGO批准你的项目之后, 您将看到您的转录机构列在“录取批准”选项卡上 OGO学生入门网站.  Review this information and contact Global Opportunities ASAP if you have any questions or concerns about what is listed there. 


Final determination of transfer credit will depend on the transcript received after the experience has been completed. 课程和成绩必须符合指南 招生目录. In most cases, study abroad course credit pre-approved during this process meets these guidelines. 
Undergraduate students must receive the equivalent grade of a “C” or better to receive transfer credit to newbb电子平台. 研究生必须获得相当于“B”或更好的成绩. Transfer credit will be placed on your DARS after the newbb电子平台 入学s Office has received and evaluated the official transcript from the recognized or accredited university. 转让信用证将显示为“T”,表示它是转让信用证, 然后是你收到的相应的字母等级, e.g.,“ta”,“tb”. 
It is your responsibility to ensure that the host institution or the provider will provide a transcript, 译成英文, 如果有必要的话, 给全球机遇办公室. 如果提供了安全的数字成绩单,请将其发送到 admissions@俄亥俄州.edu,如果可能的话,复制 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu 

接收院校可能需要2到4个月的时间才能提供你的成绩单. 收到成绩单后,OGO会将成绩单转发给本科招生办公室. 然后,它会被发送到你的学院/部门,因为他们会添加课程的等效性. 

Academic Approval 

在本节中, you will evaluate what courses are available on your 全球 experience and how they will transfer back to 俄亥俄州. You will work with the Success Advisor in your college(s) of enrollment to receive academic pre-approval for any courses you consider taking on your 全球 program.  

如果您的课程提供者也有课程批准表, 在门户网站中完成“学术批准”选项卡后, 将表格电邮至 全球.opportunities@俄亥俄州.edu 一名OGO顾问会在表格上签字.


  • 与你的成功顾问会面 回顾你的dar,并计划哪些课程适合你的毕业计划. 
    • 文理学院 学生应该去见兰迪·普莱斯或格蕾丝·琼斯.
  • 选择课程,查找课程描述和/或课程大纲 由您的全球计划提供. 以防某些课程不可用, 确定至少两倍于预期课程负荷的课程数量. 重要提示: Without course syllabi, you may be unable to properly equate your proposed courses to 俄亥俄州 courses. 联系 your 全球 program provider or university partner to request course descriptions and/or syllabi.
  • 完成 留学课程预批准表 程序和课程信息. 填写本表格须知: 
    • 在“录取批准”选项卡中找到成绩单颁发机构. Note: The domestic/international status of the transcript institution may be different than the international program site. 
    • 在课程信息中提供尽可能多的每门课程的信息. 
    • 在附加信息中添加课程描述(可选). 该表单只接受Word或PDF文件类型.
    • 寻找来自 在成功提交您的请求后,在线,转账和信贷服务中心.

You will receive a confirmation email with the results of your pre-approved courses within 5-7 business days. OGO encourages you to consult with your Success Advisor about the results of this pre-approval and any potential DARS substitutions to determine how they may impact your time to degree completion. 

  • 上传pdf结果 of the Study Abroad Course Pre-Approval form to this Academic Approval Tab and check the box below. 

现场提示: You should keep all updated syllabi and completed coursework from the study abroad experience in case additional approvals or checks are needed upon return. If seeking a DARS exception, you will request this after completing the study abroad experience. DARS exceptions cannot be completed until after courses have been completed and added to the DARS.


对于本部分,流程因交换和Non-俄亥俄州体验而异. 学生 interested in exchange programs will utilize the student budget worksheet associated with the exchange experience for their term of interest. 学生预算工作表可以在项目网站上找到.  

学生 interested in a Non-俄亥俄州 experience will work with an OGO advisor to create a budget outlining the total estimated “cost of attendance” for the 全球 experience.  


  1. 下载 备选预算表. Use this guide to determine the total estimated “cost of attendance” for your 全球 experience. 一定要包括你的供应商的任何项目费用, the $150 education abroad administrative fee as well as out-of-pocket expenses like round-trip airfare, 食物(如不包括膳食), 额外差旅费, 护照和签证费, 其他杂项费用. 
  2. 与OGO顾问会面.  An OGO advisor will review your budget to ensure you have accounted for all estimated program costs. 您将需要一个OGO顾问签名完成您的注册. 

一旦你有了学生预算工作表或ogo批准的替代预算表格, 你已经准备好与财务援助见面,讨论你的帽子关于他们的财务状况.  


  • 一份已填妥的海外学习课程预批准表(见 Academic Approval 欲知详情). 
  • 学生预算工作表或填妥的替代预算表副本, 由OGO顾问签署 
  • 关于你的经济状况有什么问题吗. 


Once you have arrived on-site you will need to confirm your enrollment as an newbb电子平台 student by completing the 核实入学情况 (VOE) form.  


  1. 的副本下载 小海湾形式 
  2. 完成表格的顶部部分. 
  3. Reach out to the appropriate institutional authority overseas (in-country Program Director or Registrar) and have them complete the second section. They must sign, date, and, if available, affix or stamp the institution’s official seal on it. 
  4. 将表格的副本上传到 OGO学生入门网站.  

在提交了VOE之后, 任何与你的经历相关的经济援助和奖学金都可以发放. It will take approximately two weeks for financial aid to be released after OGO receives the completed VOE.