

该联盟可用于支持本地, regional and state population health organizations and initiatives by providing nationally recognized experts in the following areas:

  • 研究和质量改进: 信息学和数据分析, 原始种群研究, 以证据为基础的战略, 程序开发, 以及项目评估
  • 健康教育和劳动力发展: 职业培训, continuing education and enhanced access to certification programs and degrees, and support for 经济 development projects that increase health care access
  • 政策分析与发展: 评价现有卫生政策, 法律, and rules as well as reference to national evidence-based policies and creation of new policy initiatives
  • 能力建设: 社区卫生规划, 战略和业务规划, 以及联盟发展、训练和维护


The Alliance tackles specific challenges by building a uniquely equipped team for each specific problem. 我们提供的团队包括:

  • 全国公认的研究人员将对人口进行调查, 分析来自多个数据集的数据, 解释并呈现结果 
  • Experts who will develop 以证据为基础的战略 and evaluate effectiveness 
  • Experienced strategic planners who will develop community health assessments and community health improvement plans as well as support local accreditation efforts 
  • Accomplished educators who will train and educate the population health workforce 
  • Advocates who will plan and build support for grants and local health-focused 经济 development projects to improve access to quality healthcare




This series of training modules focuses on understanding the challenges practitioners, 以及其他提供医疗服务的社区成员, 在与农村和阿巴拉契亚居民一起工作时可能面临的问题. The recorded presentations emphasize the historical context of the region, 以及它对阿巴拉契亚文化的贡献, as well as methods for understanding practitioners’ own bias towards rural and Appalachian cultures.

The goal is for those working in the community to see how their own background may contribute to barriers to service.

Helpful digital and print-friendly resource guides are also available to read and watch content on your own according to what you feel is most relevant.

单元1:概述 & 定义阿巴拉契亚

剧情简介: 定义阿巴拉契亚并不总是一件容易的事. Many would argue about the appropriate definition of the region and the reasoning for making it so. Some would argue that there is no clear definition of the region and that using any of the conventional means is underselling the complexity of such a large region.


  • 描述为什么阿巴拉契亚地区难以定义
  • Learn the Appalachian Regional Commission's definition of Appalachia
  • 讨论农村地区的卫生差距
  • Identify the reasons for increased strategies to reduce HCV/HIV rates

Begin Module 1 >> 

单元2:历史,文化 & 刻板印象

剧情简介: Appalachia has a long and varied history that cannot be recounted in full detail in this resource guide. 然而, it is important that those seeking to understand Appalachian people have some understanding of Appalachian history.


  • Explain how past historical events may contribute to current cultural characteristics
  • Identify Appalachian stereotypes and understand why they are harmful
  • Examine how cultural traits may impact interaction with Appalachian people

Begin Module 2 >>

单元3:服务障碍-文化能力 & 谦卑

剧情简介: Common reasons why Appalachian people experience barriers to care can essentially be broken down into three main areas: Financial, 后勤方面的, 和文化.


  • List barriers that prevent Appalachian people from seeking health care and public services
  • 解释文化能力和谦逊
  • Define the importance of developing cultural competency and humility

Begin Module 3 >>



社区卫生工作者 (CHWs) are trusted individuals who improve health within their own communities. 他们提供保健服务, 增加获得护理的机会, and advocate for individuals and populations by serving as a voice among health care providers. CHWs foster communities to achieve health, equity, and 社会 justice. They are able to represent their community members and describe the health, 社会, 经济, 政治, and cultural issues that they face with authenticity and lived experience. This unique model not only builds trust with the people served, but also improves health outcomes. In Appalachian counties where access to health care services is limited and 社会 determinants of health create additional barriers, CHWs are bridging the gap between community members and the services they need to live healthy lives.



与ProMedica和托莱多大学合作, newbb电子平台 卫生科学与职业学院 and The Alliance have developed a five-course series to prepare prospective Case Managers for the Case Manager Certification Exam.

Subject matter experts developed relevant content related to each aspect of case management. Each course offers continuing education and certification preparation opportunities for nurses, 社会工作者和持牌辅导员.


Michal Plavsa, Director of Professional Programs and 合作伙伴hips, searls@俄亥俄州.edu


newbb电子平台 offers continuing education for health professionals.


The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released a 2018 Health Policy Briefing Book that includes data and strategies the next Ohio governor and General Assembly can use to develop evidence-informed policies that will improve the health of all Ohioans.