

瑞安Fogt, portrait
Professor and Scalia Lab Director
Lindley N267 and S227, 雅典 Campus


Monday and Wednesday, 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment



Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2007


  • Polar meteorology and climatology
  • 气候 variability and change
  • Stratosphere - troposphere interactions


Dr. Fogt studies climate dynamics, in particular how components of the large-scale atmospheric circulation affect climate across the 南部 Hemisphere, especially Antarctica. His work incorporates climate models, 观察, and station-based reconstructions of pressure variability to distinguish the contributions of natural variability and anthropogenic forcing in ongoing Antarctic climate change.

Dr. Fogt’s most recent work investigates how variations in the position and intensity of the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas Low, a semi-permanent low pressure system off the coast of West Antarctica, influences the regional climate. 在过去, he also conducted outreach to several schools in southeast Ohio on Antarctic climate change through support by the Ohio Space Grant Consortium.

Dr. Fogt teaches many of the meteorology courses within the 地理位置 Department, ranging from an introductory-level course in meteorology, to courses in atmospheric dynamics. He also serves as the director of the Scalia Laboratory for Atmospheric Analysis, the on-campus meteorology laboratory used for teaching, research, and forecasting.


  • GEOG 3010: Meteorology
  • GEOG 3020: Climatology
  • GEOG 3050: Physical Meteorology
  • GEOG 4080: Dynamic Meteorology I
  • GEOG 4090: Dynamic Meteorology II
  • GEOG 6010: Seminar in Meteorology (Global 气候 Change)

Representative Publications

Clem K. R.,和R. L. Fogt, 2014: Varying roles of ENSO and SAM on the Antarctic Peninsula 气候. J. 地球物理学. Res,出版中.

Fogt R.L., (Associate Editor and Section Author), 2013: Antarctica [In “State of the 气候 in 2012”]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94, S133-S146.

Fogt R. L., J. M. 琼斯和J. Renwick, 2012: Seasonal zonal asymmetries in the 南部 Annular Mode and their impact on regional temperature anomalies. J. 气候, 25, 6253-6270.

Fogt R. L., A. J. Wovrosh R. A. 兰根和我. 西蒙兹, 2012: The characteristic variability and connection to the underlying synoptic activity of the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas Low. J. 地球物理学. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JD017337.

Fogt R. L., D. H. 布罗姆维奇和K. M. Hines, 2011: Understanding the SAM influence on the South Pacific ENSO teleconnection. 气候 Dynamics, 36, 1555-1576.

Fogt R. L., J. Perlwitz,. J. 莫纳汉、维.H. 布朗,J. M. 琼斯和G. J. Marshall, 2009: Historical SAM Variability. Part II: 20th Century Variability and Trends from Reconstructions, 观察, and the IPCC AR4 Models. J. 气候, 22, 5346-5365.

Selected Student Projects

Ming Yeung Lee (地理位置 M.S.2013年5月. Antarctic station-based pressure reconstructions from 1905-2011 using principal component regression

Emily Sheer (地理位置 M.S.2013年5月. The joint influence of ENSO and NAO on U.S. landfalling hurricanes and their origination points.

Elizabeth Zbacnik (地理位置 M.S.2012年8月. The sensitivity of the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Seas Low to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations and stratospheric ozone depletion.

Alek Krautmann (地理位置 M.S.), 2012年5月. Midwest urban heat wave climatology: What constitutes the worst events?

亚历克斯·沃夫罗什,B.S. 地理位置-Meteorology with Honors, 2012. Characteristics of strong cyclonic activity in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas: 连接ion to the regional climate change and the climatological mean.

妮可·格拉姆斯,B.S. 地理位置-Meteorology with Honors, 2011. Investigating the sea, 湖, and overland surge from hurricanes (SLOSH) model: A multi-part verification for hurricanes Gustav and Ike using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).