

罗伯特·H. Freeman Associate Professor of Management; Director, 研究

塔米·拉普也是 罗伯特·H. 弗里曼商业教授, a renowned honor which supports her scholarly and research work.


  • Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, University of 连接icut 
  • MBA, Alliant International University
  • M.S., Management, San Diego State University
  • B.S.,市场营销,布莱恩特学院
  • 研究的兴趣

Dr. 拉普's research focuses on team effectiveness, with specific interest in four areas: team processes, 团队突发状态, 团队的领导, 以及多个团队成员.


  • 丹•Bachrach 泰米左. 拉普——杰西卡·L. 奥吉维和亚当·拉普. “是时候了(管理)”!: Role Overload as a Bridge Explaining Relationships between Helping, 的声音, 销售业绩及目标,” 商业研究杂志 (2024). http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114295
  • 亚当·拉普和 泰米左. 拉普. “Team Selling: A Review, Implications, and an Agenda for Sales Team 研究,” 专业销售杂志 & 销售管理 43, no. 4 (2023): 289-306. http://doi.org/10.1080/08853134.2023.2257391
  • Sal Mistry, Brad Kirkman, Ozias A. 摩尔,安德鲁·汉纳,还有 泰米左. 拉普. “团队太多了。? Examining the impact of multiple team memberships and permanent team identification on employees' identity strain, 认知枯竭, 和营业额," 人事心理学 76, no. 3 (2023): 885-912.  http://doi.org/10.1111 /活力.12515.
  • 丹•Bachrach 泰米左. 拉普亚当·A. 拉普和杰西卡·L. 奥美. "Too much" self-efficacy" Understanding the curvilinear consequences of between-person self-efficacy through a moderated-mediation model of perceived proximity and employee effort," 集团 & 组织管理. 6 (2023): 1544-1581 http://doi.org/10.1177/10596011211070098
  • 泰米左. 拉普, M. 特拉维斯梅纳德 Monique Domingo, and Elizabeth Klock. “Team 紧急状态: What has emerged in the literature over 20 years," 小组研究 52, no. 1 (2021): 68-102. http://doi.org/10.1177/1046496420956715
  • M. 特拉维斯·梅纳德,约翰·E. 马蒂厄, 泰米左. 拉普, 露西·吉尔森和凯瑟琳·克莱纳. “Team leader coaching intervention: An investigation of the impact on team processes and performance within a surgical context,” newbb电子心理学杂志 (2020). http://doi.org./10.1037 / apl0000814
  • 泰米左. 拉普 约翰·E. 马蒂厄, “Team and individual influences on members' identification and performance per membership in multiple team membership arrangements,” newbb电子心理学杂志104, no. 3 (2019): 303-320, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037 / apl0000344
  • 泰米左. 拉普, 露西李. 约翰·E·吉尔森. 马蒂厄, 和汤姆·拉迪, “Leading empowered teams: An examination of the role of external team leaders and team coaches,” 领导的季度 27, no. 1 (2016): 109-123, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2015.08.005
  • 泰米左. 拉普亚当·A. 丹·拉普. Bachrach, 瑞恩·马林斯, “The role of team goal monitoring in the curvilinear relationship between team efficacy and team performance,” newbb电子心理学杂志 99, no. 5 (2014): 976-987, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a003697
  • 亚当一个. 丹·拉普. Bachrach, 泰米左. 拉普, “The influence of time management skill on the curvilinear relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and task performance,” newbb电子心理学杂志 98, no. 4 (2013): 668-677, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0031733
  • M. 特拉维斯·梅纳德,约翰·E. 马蒂厄, 泰米左. 拉普, 和露西·L. 吉尔松, “Something(s) old and something(s) new: Modeling drivers of global virtual team effectiveness,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 33, no. 3 (2012): 342-365, http://doi.org/10.1002 /工作.1772
  • 约翰·E. 马修和 泰米左. 拉普, “Laying the foundation for successful team performance trajectories: The roles of team charters and deliberate plans,” newbb电子心理学杂志 94, no. 1 (2009): 90-103, http://doi.org/10.1037/a0013257
  • 约翰·E. 马修,M. 特拉维斯梅纳德 泰米左. 拉普, 和露西·L. 吉尔松, “Team effectiveness 1997-2007: A review of recent advancements and a glimpse into the future,” 管理杂志 34, no. 3 (2008): 410-476, http://doi.org/10.1177/0149206308316061

  • Best Symposium Finalist, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OB Division  (2024)
  • newbb电子平台 研究 Committee/Baker Fund Grant (2024)
  • 教师 Summer 研究 Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2024)
  • 研究 Seed Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2024)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2024)
  • Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division (2023)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2023)
  • Graduate Teaching Award, newbb电子平台 商学院 (2022)
  • Fellow, 教师 Fellowship Program in Israel (2022)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2022)
  • 研究 Seed Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2022)
  • 研究 Impact Award, newbb电子平台 商学院 (2021)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2021)
  • 杰出评审员组 & 组织管理(2020)
  • 教师 Excellence in Intellectual Contributions, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2020)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2020)
  • Highest Ranked Journal Article, newbb电子平台, Department of Management (2019)
  • Excellence in 研究 Recognition, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2019)
  • 研究 Seed Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2019)
  • 罗伯特·H. Freeman Professorship: newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2018)
  • 研究 Impact Award, newbb电子平台 Department of Management (2018)
  • 研究 Seed Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2018)
  • 额外努力奖, 关键领导角色, newbb电子平台, 商学院 Women’s 集团 (2018)
  • 研究 Seed Grant, newbb电子平台, 商学院 (2017)
  • Scholarly Impact Award, 管理杂志 (2013)


Dr. 塔米·拉普是罗伯特·H. Freeman Professor of Management and an Associate Professor at newbb电子平台. Her research focuses on the factors that support team effectiveness, with specific interest in team processes, 紧急状态, 团队的领导, 以及多个团队成员. Dr. 拉普's research has been published in journals including the newbb电子心理学杂志, 管理杂志, 人事心理学, 领导的季度, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. She serves as a Senior Associate Editor for 集团 & Organization Management, as well as Editor of the annual special Conceptual Issue for that journal. She is a member of the Academy of Management and the Interdisciplinary Network for 集团 研究 (INGRoup). 她有博士学位。.D. from the University of 连接icut.
