

Listed below are the frequently asked questions about your application status in your My俄亥俄州学生中心. If your question is not listed, or if you would like additional information, please 本科招生 或致电740.593.4100.


Your application status will say "Incomplete" when there are items on your To Do List that need to be completed, such as submitting a transcript or ACT/SAT 考试成绩.

My To Do List contains items that have already been sent to newbb电子平台. 这是什么意思??

本科招生 is receiving a high volume of applications and academic credentials. Please remember that while 本科招生 may have received your application materials (transcripts, 考试成绩, 等.)邮寄或以电子方式递交, updates can be provided only on those application materials that have been fully processed. Please allow a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks to complete the review process of your file.

My application status contains a due date for items on my To Do List. 这是什么意思??

Due Dates are created as suggested timelines for submitting your application materials. 请参阅 newbb电子网页 申请截止日期.


There are two reasons that your application status will say complete.

  1. Your application status will say "Complete" when all To Do Lists items have been completed. 此时此刻, your application will be reviewed by 本科招生 to determine if you are eligible for admission to the University.
  2. Your application status will change from "Admitted" to "Complete" after you have accepted your offer of admission to the University. 此时,您将需要按照 录取学生页面 来确认你在newbb电子平台的入学意向. 
My application status changed from "Complete" to "Incomplete.这是什么意思?

Your application status will change to "Incomplete" when an item has been added to your To Do List, such as a request for additional ACT/SAT 考试成绩 or an updated transcript.


祝贺你! Your application status will say "Admitted" if you have been admitted or accepted to newbb电子平台.  你的正式沟通将很快到来!


Upon admission to the University, you can accept or decline the University's offer. 

  • After accepting the offer, you will need to follow the steps on the 录取学生页面 来确认你的入学意向. 
  • After declining the offer, no further action is required. 你的申请将被学校撤销. If you declined the offer in error or change your mind, please 本科招生 at admissions@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电740.593.4100.
我的个人信息(如newbb电子平台), 人口数据, 或紧急newbb电子平台)不正确. 我怎样才能纠正这个问题呢?

请发送电子邮件至 admissions@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电740.593.4100来更正你的个人信息. Please note that official documentation may be required.

I applied to an academic program with more selective admissions guidelines [College of Business, Russ College of Engineering and Technology (not applicable to Aviation Flight), E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院, 媒体艺术与研究学院, 或护理学院], but my application status indicates University College. 这是什么意思??

If you do not initially meet that program's more selective admission criteria, 但你符合大学的录取要求, 你将被大学学院录取. Your letter of admission will provide further details on the possibility of appealing the admission decision or applying to another academic program.

我申请了舞蹈学院, 电影学院, 音乐学院, School of Visual Communication or the Aviation Flight major, but my application status also lists University College. 这是什么意思??

如果你符合大学的录取要求, 你将被大学学院录取 pending your successful audition, 项目组合评估, interview and/or supplemental application for admission to the more selective admission program. If you are not admitted to the more selective program but you have been admitted to University College, your offer of admission to the University remains valid.

I applied to the School of Theater or School of Art + Design, 我的申请状态里有两次是"美术. 这是什么意思??

如果你符合大学的录取要求, you will be offered admission to the BA program in your respective School pending your successful audition, 项目组合评估, 和/或面试 for admission to the more selective admission program. "Fine Arts" appears twice to represent your status within the BA program and, 分别, 在博鳌亚洲论坛项目内. 如果两个“美术”行都是“完成”或“录取”,"那么俄亥俄州已经接受了你的试镜, 投资组合, 和/或面试. If one or more of your "Fine Arts" rows say "incomplete," then you should check your To Do List to view additional items that you need to submit.





To review your status in each program, click on the "招生" tab. From there, you can select each major to review individually. BA majors are represented by a plan code that begins with the letters "BA." BFA majors are represented by a plan code that begins with the letters "BF."

BA =被录取/BFA =申请人

If your BA program status is "admitted" and your BFA program status is "applicant,然后你的试镜, 投资组合, 和/或面试仍在审核中.

COFA - BA状态:录取


BA =取消/BFA =接受

If your BA program status is "cancelled" and your BFA program status is "admitted,那么你已经被北京电影学院录取了.

COFA - BA状态:取消


BA =录取/BFA =取消

If your BA program status is "admitted" and your BFA program status is "cancelled," then you have not been offered admission to the BFA program. Your admission to the BA program and the University remain valid.

COFA - BA状态:录取





我申请了荣誉辅导班学院(HTC), 但我的申请表上还列出了另一所学术院校. 这是什么意思??

如果你符合大学的录取要求, you will be offered admission to the University in the College most closely related to your intended 荣誉 Tutorial College (HTC) major. HTC will review your application and notify you if the College decides to proceed further with your HTC application. If you have questions about the status of your HTC application, please email HTC at 荣誉.college@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电740.593.2723.
