
在newbb电子平台, persons with disabilities are welcome and encouraged to be fully engaged members of our community. Although the University strives toward aspirational goals regarding accessibility and inclusion, we simultaneously work to assure no qualified person will be denied access to educational or employment opportunities based on having a disability. The University complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as amended), 《newbb电子平台》, 部分503, 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and State of Ohio disability law.








ADA / 504协调员

The role of the ADA / 504协调员 is to coordinate University programs and initiate 政策 that reflect the federal and state requirements to ensure that students, 教师, 工作人员 and community members living with disabilities have access to our programs, 服务及设施. 根据美国残疾人法案, Title II Public entities such as newbb电子平台 are required to appoint an ADA / 504协调员 and to have a non-discrimination policy.

For questions about the university’s obligations under the ADA and Rehabilitation Act, contact:

ADA / 504协调员 and Assistant Dean for Accessibility



The ADA / 504协调员 leads efforts to assure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act, 部分503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to persons with disabilities.

Responsible for coordinating University 政策 and procedures relating to persons with disabilities, tracking university progress relating to its 政策 and procedures as well as state and federal laws relating to persons with disabilities, 提交所有必要的报告, and providing consultative services to employing units and offices.

责任范围包括教员, 工作人员, 学生就业, as well as public and student access to educational programs and facilities.



Serves as the principal planning coordinator for University programs, 政策, and procedures relating to University compliance and the promotion of University opportunities for persons with disabilities.


Ensures that appropriate processes are in place to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and inquiries from University employees and students, as well as the public regarding compliance with the ADA and other applicable federal and state laws regarding discrimination on the basis of disability

Makes final determinations regarding allegations of discrimination and non-compliance under the ADA and other applicable federal and state laws regarding discrimination on the basis of disability


Maintains current information regarding state and federal laws and regulations as well as the best practices of other universities and private employers concerning the rights of persons with disabilities and ways of providing reasonable 住宿 to persons with disabilities while maintaining program performance standards.

Maintains current information regarding state and federal laws and regulations as well as the best practices of other universities and private employers relating to the University’s employment 政策 and procedures for 教师, 工作人员 and academic professional employees with disabilities.

Ensures that University-related information is readily available on services, 住宿, 政策, and demographics relating to persons with disabilities.


Provides ADA program and facility interpretation and advice on compliance to all sectors of the University community.

Develops and maintains written materials and other informational pieces to broadly disseminate information regarding the ADA and the University’s 政策 relating to persons with disabilities.

Designs and participates in the development of presentations for students, 教师 and 工作人员 on the provision of equal opportunity for persons with disabilities. 

Serves as the central intake for matters relating to the ADA and facilitates activity and the flow of information among the various University offices with responsibilities relating to compliance, 包括但不限于:

  • 执行副校长和教务长办公室
  • 学生事务副校长办公室
  • Office of Vice President for Finance and Administration – Architecture, Design & 建设
  • 大学人力资源办公室
  • 法律事务厅

Serves as the primary University liaison with relevant state and federal agencies, as well as other ADA coordinators at colleague institutions and associations.


Maintains a record of all disability and accommodation issues and the resolution of each

Ensures the timely filing of all required compliance reports

Develops and implements internal measures and/or reports which inform the university administration of the status of ADA compliance and opportunities for people with disabilities.


This position reports to the Dean of 大学学院.

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